
Dear Whypeepo,

Shhhh. Bernie is like Candyman. If you say his name three times his deranged supporters appear to harass you and tell you how non progressive you are compared to 50 Stents. I mean it is hard to get that message out from one of your three homes right Bernie?

Here’s a Dem speaking, Internet People. AOC is speaking, Biden, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, and a million others. Online, in the news, getting gassed in-person at peaceful protests.

If you stop and consider the fact that a majority of Biden’s primary opponents were sitting Senators, the question then becomes, “WTF are all of those who aren’t running for President any more doing about anything?”

Thank you! She didn’t just have a cold; she had pneumonia! Aaaaaand someone in the know told me that she was wearing a bullet-proof vest, AND wasn’t it like a smibillion degrees that day?!?!?

You know what we're make that perfect? If he resigns, then has a massive heart attack and/or stoke.

Hillary had pneumonia. She had undiagnosed pneumonia for months and went to work every day. She fought through it until it got the best of her. BUT, the so-called librul media still slimed her and covered it like it was the end of the world.

Please let him die on Christmas Day.

FUCK billionaires, FUCK millionaires, and FUCK the whiners. Their tears are why Warren needs to win. We’ve experienced the downfall of the middle class and the further poverty forced on the the working class due to the coddling of Wall Street. Wall Street produces NOTHING. Wall Street continues to gorge at the troughs

Once again, it needs to be pointed out that in the real world, there is one and only one superpower: compound interest.

No, she wasn’t, she was raised to marry a guy of social standing equal to or better than her own- I’m sure ditto on the money. That’s how everyone pretty much was and is raised. Working class people hope their kids marry people of at least that same standing, middle class the same, etc. She was an attractive,

I mean, I wouldn’t count writing a “memoir” about someone who can’t defend themselves that’s full of snide sounding gossip as being that good a friend either...

Thank you for the clarification. I am very glad the Root doesn’t align with other G/O sites and my observation was not intended as a criticism at all. I criticized Esther Wang’s article in the comments over there because it was ill supported.

I don’t work at Jezebel and despite being under the same general media company umbrella, don’t feel compelled to align my reporting with theirs. But to be clear: in the article above, I referred to the Mail as a tabloid, not the Times.

I find it bizarre that the take on Jezebel regarding this same exact interview, is that HRC is a TERF and the Sunday Times is a prominent UK newspaper. You call it a tabloid.

So you are saying that people should not be called out for their racism?

Yeah, I believe HRC’s entering the “zero fucks given” phase of her life now that she’s stopped running for office.  I get the impression you’ll be seeing more frank opinions from her than in the past where everything she said was weighed and measured for some inkling of weakness to be found.

They’re both right. HRC is more correct than Chelsea, but the faux-politeness some of those Brits use to talk down the Duchess of Sussex comes from her background as a working woman and a divorcee. Meaning, she’s not that upper crust type. And why isn’t she that upper crust type? Because she’s black, of course, but

This is why she lost the election, more to the point had it stolen, she called out this shit and asked white people to check their white privilege and the 53% made her pay for it. 

My mom doesn’t really make jokes much, but man, my dad would make this joke in a heartbeat. He’s also a Hilary super fan so I’m sure he found this very cute, just like I did.