
How civilized you Pajama Boys are.

If he only voted Democrat you lot would defend him like you do Alec Baldwin and Michael Moore.

Like the inevitable ones for the movies, you mean? You must not come around here much. They milk 40 year old pop culture phenomena completely dry.

It's a cliche, Zack. You don't have to fall into it; just dissect the episodes as you see them.

Enough with the pathetic attempt at Pythonesque humor in the review.

They all sag eventually. Even Ebert's.

Only those adults attend. For Ebert, "Look! Boobies!" was the passport to entertainment.

Roger Ebert never said anything interesting or insightful about movies in all his years of reviewing them. His frame-by-frame dissections of classic movies demonstrated he could at least muster the technical knowledge of the craft of filmmaking on occasion; his own forays into moviemaking reveal the truism that

It means the same thing in 2014 that it did in 1982—-rooting for a totalitarian regime which sought to enslave us as it successfully shackled its own people and their conquered neighbors.

And that is your approach to these reviews in a nutshell!

Thank God you don't watch OWN then.

Che Guevara was the insult; your ignorance of this is the point.

What, and alienate your Pajama Boy buddies? They'd surely demand their Che Guevara tees back.

Utter illiteracy and gassy illogic.

You clearly forget Churchill's quote on the subject: "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

Pal, I'll school you on history any time you'd like. Just as soon as you learn to comprehend the written word sufficiently to discriminate between criticism of a show and the reviewers of a show.

Read last episode's review before flapping your gums.

You DO realize that the Soviets enslaved eastern Europe, don't you?

No, by engaging in moral equivalence by refusing to portray the atrocities the Soviets routinely engaged in. The writers are far less pro-Soviet than the reviewers are, which is why you get scenes like the kidnapping of the Jewish scientist.

When this show premiered many of us predicted emptyheaded liberals would see it as a vehicle to cheer for their dear, departed Soviet Union. In that regard, these reviews never disappoint.