Your credit card will not cover anything if it does not completely pay for the rental. Your CC isn’t covering an insurance rental. It also may not cover Loss Of Use for the time the car is in the shop and cannot be rented.
Your credit card will not cover anything if it does not completely pay for the rental. Your CC isn’t covering an insurance rental. It also may not cover Loss Of Use for the time the car is in the shop and cannot be rented.
can you cut the end of one Alfa off, as in remove the last “a”, and weld it to another Alfa to get an Alfalfa? cuz then you might be able to get the mulch in it.....wait, I’m gonna need a big hinge...
Don’t forget about It’s all still there where we left it. The search function still works. Interesting things start showing up when any of the following words are searched: tyte, pimpin, pimp, icp, juggalo, shawty, haters, ricer, etc... Use your 2000s imagination on how you would have described one…
He’s going to get his mirrors stolen.
This is so true. I used Tom to do my last lease deal with Audi. Everything was done. It still took 4 hours to get out of there. Nothing to negotiate, nothing extra they tried to push on me besides the basics in the finance office which luckily, it’s Audi and not Kia in terms of pressure sales, and I still spent a lot…
This is the truth. My last couple car buying experiences have been fine in terms of the dealer and salespeople. The last dealer even had a playroom for kids and had free bagels and coffee all day. The issue though is the time. Like you, it took hours to get everything finalized and out the door.
The last time I bought a car from a dealer, my wife’s Odyssey, we had the car picked out, secured our own financing, and had the price negotiated. It still took four hours at the dealer, with two small children in tow. It doesn’t matter how friendly and accommodating they were, it was still miserable.
Because he is an arrogant huckster who pushes half-baked (and that’s being generous) ideas as though they are brilliant (Boring Company, Hyperloop, colonies on Mars, etc.) when instead he should be focusing on making Tesla a success. Tesla has done great things, but it still has challenges — making a profit, quality…
OK fine plastidip/wrap it whatever for those who hate that trim piece alone.
No it doesnt,
I know that Jennifer Goines being a “primary” means she can remember all of their adventures from the other timelines. Other than that, I am much less clear
As a gangly German basketball player, who has idolized Dirk over the years, I have just one thing to say:
Correct. If they can’t afford a 10 year old car without payments, do you think they are keeping up to date on maintenance? A used German car will run for awhile, but only if its up to date on required services.
I don’t know about the other countries, but if I saw something that claimed it was proudly made in Britain, I’d feel like I’d have to start looking for the rest of it
“That money would probably be spent more smartly on an E-Class AMG that’s already done 50,000 miles or so, but we’ll keep that to ourselves since we need people buying new cars so we can pick them up used later, right?”
Kinda. The 626 prototype in what ended up being the MazdaSpeed6 had a prototype that was a turbo KL AWD. The Mazda Capella did had a KLZE AWD, but was automatic only.
I think most of us born in the mid-early 80’s don’t align with millenials are are more Xers. I've also heard the term Oregon Trail Generation, which I'm good with.
Im a lot older than you and all this ‘shareholder’ value as the highest value thing started really in the 80s. Reagan and the conservative fringe that he then mainstreamed have been killing this country ever since.
1. The purpose of business is to increase shareholders wealth, business 101 in any undergrad class. It has nothing to do with politics or class.