
I really like Wifi calling. My house is in a crappy signal area (work is AT&T and personal is Verizon).

My recommendation? Elope or do a small destination wedding. It’s going to weed out anyone that doesn’t want to spend some coin to fly to somewhere cheap like the DR, everything is a pre-packaged option they’ve done 10000000000 times, and you get a vacation out of it.

I used a broker on my first home. She was part of my realtor’s network of resources alongside a lawyer. Anyway, my broker shopped rates for me (FHA loan specifically) which wasn’t hard being I had an 800+ credit score.

The video you posted with the article is fantastic. What a great sounding engine.

In case this is a political concern for you, a reminder of Discount Tire’s stance on legalizing Marijuana.

In case this is a political concern for you, a reminder of Discount Tire’s stance on legalizing Marijuana.

Did anyone actually read the full bill or at least a break down before writing this article? Look, I am a liberal dem full and full but this is some click bait shit.

Just remember not to double your salad dressing. Can’t count how many times people talk about eating healthy, can’t lose weight, or some other comment but put 10lbs of dressing on.

This article is 1,020 words too long.

I found Firefox choked on things when either tracking protection or other blockers were enabled sadly. Once I would remove tracker protection/content protection built it, broken pages started working again.

So much written about the sound and no videos....

Anyone else with this issue, turn off Cosmetic filtering on Ublock Origin. It’s a tiny icon once you click it. Problem was fixed.

This post was literally unreadable after half the damn items were cut off.

Yea, I think it is solely Apple’s way to force you into Airplay and their ecosystem.

Apple Airplay.

MomoCast is a free iphone app to let you cast any video on a web page. Super useful being that Chrome mobile doesn’t support Chromecast and there’s a lot of places I run into I simply can’t natively cast. It can be a little buggy but I’ve never had a situation where it simply wouldn’t work after a few tries.

But do we really want Mike Pence as our leader over Trump? Realistically. Do we take the guy who would like to fund gay conversion therapy among other things over Trump?

Maybe you’re just not eating enough overall? My wife does this; won’t eat enough even if it is healthy food and ends up hungry/snacking. Happened to me during my hardest power lifting months. I simply wasn’t eating enough.

That’s really weird considering the ingredients and macros are nearly identical. And pesto and creamy garlic sauce is fairly high in calories compared to say well made tomato sauce.

You need to eat things that provide satiety. Fiber and healthy fats. If you’re eating low carb and having a meal of veggie paste only, you’ll definitely feel hungry.

Only thing I have to contribute is the pop up ad for this is annoying. I clicked through by accident.