
Being my father in law immigrated to the US from Chios, I am obligated to indicate mastic ouzo is better.

Same. I had someone trying to get folks and myself involved really early in 2009 when it launched. We laughed it off as a nothing situation. It was a $25 investment for 25 coins....and/or get involved at a mining/bank as well. Kick myself every day because I’m a hold kind of guy with investments. There’s no doubt in

I was worried the pricing would make this a situation of pay low tier premium car prices but still get Chevy dealership service. Can’t ask for Acura prices with a shittier experience. But looks like pricing stayed in mainstream territory for the most part.

Currently showing as 1-2 months shipping time. I mean, I guess even if you ordered a life time supply at this price and waited it’s still worth it.

Currently showing as 1-2 months shipping time. I mean, I guess even if you ordered a life time supply at this price

I’ve only experienced PP lounge once leaving Aruba. That airport is a dump but the lounge down the end towards Gates 1 and 2 is nice enough. Free drinks and snacks, clean bathroom, TVs, and there were like 4 people in there during the one flight home.

You can downgrade or add a second Chase card like the Preferred or Freedom and add a second user for free. Then the points can be combined. I had the Preferred with my wife as a user. I downgraded the card to Freedom Unlimited which we both carry and then added the Reserve to my collection. We also picked up the

For everyone pointing out my mistake, I noticed it now. I put the GT price on the Audi for some reason and that’s obviously a shit comparison.

Yea this is my bad on the comment. I put the GT price on the Ecoboost for reason unknown!

You know, in my head I took the price of the GT and attached it to the Ecoboost. So everyone can ignore my comment, lol. My brain did not disconnect the two!

Still, for $50,000 you can have a well optioned A4 that will beat the Ecoboost on 0-60 says MT with better MPG and an AWD system to handle the curves/shitty weather too. Or an Ecoboost Mustang with the rear gutted.

I am 10000000% behind legalizing weed. But until all cars are fully autonomous and the infrastructure to support it is available, this and any other kind of DWI/DUI should still be illegal. I know some of the arguments for the technology will reduce DUI/DWI but these cars still require input. Can’t give it proper

This car is for my wife who wants something sporty looking with power but luxury skewed, reliable, and doesn’t care about overall performance.

My planning was to visit my local Italian deli, read their Thanksgiving Day catering menu, and place an order. I’ll be responsible for an hour of roasting the turkey and heating everything else up. Guests will bring a dessert or drink if they choose and I’ll do dishes after that.

The polite thing drives me bonkers. Not only does it cause slow downs but it causes accidents. If you have the right away, you go. If you have a sign (or lack of sign) telling you to do something, do it. There’s an entrance at a shopping center near me where it’s a 3 way intersection. Cars coming off a major strip

This is exactly why I paid Tom to get me my last car. I am confident in my ability to get a good deal. I did it for myself for years. Heck I did it for my wife’s Mazda about 2 months before I let Tom get my most recent car.

Audi has way nicer interiors and is more subtle than the V.

Anything in the Audi S spec is a great suggestion. Even the new RS3 does not scream performance. But the S4 and S6 are super subtle. I like Audi’s new interiors so I am going to say get a brand new S5 Sportback over a used S6 unless you need more rear leg room.

I was looking for this comment and these are important topics to note. You may also be too far along for just a pill and some days rest. I believe after 4 weeks or so/dependent on the size of the fetus, the pill form is no longer a reasonable option.

I just looked and it highlighted the CTS-V, Escalade, CT6. XT5, and ATS-V. Launching in NYC to start.

As a NJ resident who goes into Boston/Waltham/Woburn for clients, I want to end my life trying to get from Waltham to the airport during rush hour. I thought adding 30 minutes to my commute around NJ was bad but going from a 35 minute to 2+ hour commute is crazy.