
This is hilarious by AMC along the grounds of devaluing ticket prices. The model certainly does damage if they are charging close to or at cost for tickets based on their cost of getting the film, staffing, etc. But if they are taking a nice margin on ticket sales, which any sane business is, what they are saying is

Violence is met with violence. If you believe it is time to act physically towards those individuals, that is your view. We saw that with MLK vs Malcom X. However, I assume you’re willing to be on the receiving end of a sucker punch, baseball bat, or knife? And that you’ll be at the next rally willing and able to

That makes sense and I see that “OR” sometimes. GM is good with making that clear. Mazda needs to do a better job especially if they are going to partner with Truecar who calculates everything you should be eligible for. They certainly are capable of blocking certain options. I recall when Mercedes was offering a USAA

Yea this is something people need to recognize. Defending yourself from physical attack? All for it. Sucker punching someone will be used a propaganda or spur more violence.

What is this situation of special financing can only be combined with certain discounts? Is this a legit factory requirement or dealerships just working some words to reduce the discounts? Mazda is notorious with this. I went in with a great USAA/Truecar discount + factory incentives + 0% financing. First thing the

Yea I was thinking the same. This soft drift is something I did from day 1. It was something I started doing as the last time I played was on N64 where you had to flick back and forth in the opposite direction of your kart to keep the drift proper. Here, you didn’t need to do that to build boost but if you came in

Miss my Zune. I still use the Zune software on my PC to manage my music to this day. Haven’t been able to find a replacement no matter how much customization other platforms offer.

This comment helped me remember that the one place I remember Serinda Swan from is Smallville when she played Zatanna.

Grill. Everything goes on the grill. Corn on the cob, peppers, onions, asparagus, carrots, etc. Either use tin foil to cook then finish directly on the grill or if you can control temps and know when to pull them, directly on the grill full time also work.

Ignoring the argument on whether to tax the “rich” or not, I have a fundamental issue with any tax for the time being. Why? This is YEARS of mismanagement of funding, planning, and preparation. Throwing a bunch of money at it doesn’t help, especially when that funding is potentially volatile. If a chunk of wealth

Yea I am going to jump on this argument. Regardless of how much money you have or what it is being spent on, you expect that something like this wouldn’t happen or even be possible. I’d be livid if this happened to my street and I don’t own some million dollar McMansion.

Philly area and southern NJ are very pro-union. Many blue collar workers in trade fields and not being unionized is rare. Speaking out against unions is also rare.

I test drove one of these while shopping for a new hatch against the Audi A3 and WRX. I really wanted to like it but the shifter was no good and I couldn’t live with that daily. Otherwise is a nice car overall and unique on the road.

Octopus done right is outstanding. My father-in-law, who moved here from Greece, makes fantastic grilled octopus. Finding a legit Greek restaurant who does it right is always awesome (and it’s hard to get it properly tender).

CP but still a cool project. And based on the location, it’s in the town over from my home town. Half tempted to check it out.

lol. Well I should add the initial alert of said missing item should include an approval to mail it. If someone doesn’t want to spend the $5 to ship their sunglasses, that’s fine.

Why not deploy a system through the application that allows a driver to alert previous of said lost item. Then let the driver box up said item with a prepaid USPS box or any other carrier, trigger an automated pick up process (or drop off if the driver is feeling nice) through said carrier, then auto charge the

This should be done. I like this.

I’m not surprised. Although I didn’t shop large sedans, I was shopping small and mid sized recently for a lease. All luxury brands. I had the CTS and ATS as part of my long list. But they came off rather quickly. Discounts were not as good as other makes and lease offers were terrible.

Coke Zero is the jam and it took me forever to get off that stuff. Now I am back on it. Fell off the wagon. Cold brewed black and green tea just didn’t have the fix I needed.