Simmons’ essential problem is that he’s got a face made for radio and a voice made for the printed word. Good Lord is he awful on camera.
Simmons’ essential problem is that he’s got a face made for radio and a voice made for the printed word. Good Lord is he awful on camera.
Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.
Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.
It’s “It’s.” :)
Somebody really needs to get Jim McMahon some help.
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.
Clearly, another 1.5 degrees of angle on the rear wing would have keep the tires hooked up.
It makes sense that there would be a lot of love for pointless abstract films that “experts” can hold over everyone’s collective head and simply say, “You don’t get it.”
He got all huffy.
That mileage is impressive, but consider this. If you want a sporty coupe with a manual, you are currently flooded with options in the used market for this price.