White Person Problem.
White Person Problem.
Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.…
i told my dad that at my new job my starting pay is $12:48 and that even though the pay is low it has great benefits, he replied “ great benefits, thats just code for not paying you enough to live and have all your needs met. you’re an adult, you should be paid enough to make you’re own decisions about what you do…
This has been known for some time. I imagine that’s why politicians don’t give a shit about raising the minimum wage.
This starts early. I still get resentful when I think back to how I, as a teen, accepted a babysitting wage that was, like, half the minimum wage, because, well, that’s just the way things were done. I was supposed to act like chasing after children wasn’t really work at all. This kind of mindset is so ingrained.
Women have physical strength. Blue collar jobs don’t require exceptional strength that is unattainable to women. Being blind to that fact is the same bias that keeps women out of these jobs. If women manage to get hired despite this bias, they still can get driven out of their jobs by sexual harassment. Some men are…
It is so fucking shameful that an American woman can work more than full time at a minimum wage job and still be in poverty. We should be better than this.
Women are disproportionally represented in low wage jobs. Sure, this is surprising to no one.
According to the study, “low-wage women’s jobs will increase at one and a half times the rate of all other jobs” over the next decade
Well this is a surprise to no one.
Oral contraceptives are safe enough that groups like the American Association of Family Physicians and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say it should be available over the counter.
Hi, I am a chronically single 32 year old man, and I really wonder why you think that men can so effortlessly pick up new partners. I truly cannot understand how a woman might think that.
I am a chronically single man and I do get grilled about it... or grilled indirectly. Nobody suggests online dating to me. If they do, I just say “I’m a guy,” and they just nod.
I am a chronically single man and it always disappoints me to hear about how many men are really not contributing to their relationships and marriages. Especially with vacation planning. I love planning vacations and cannot imagine considering that to be a chore.
I’ve recently discovered that if I do start dating and looking for a serious long term partner again, one of my firm criteria is going to be he has to be able to consider himself to be in a committed serious legit relationship with someone....except we don’t physically live together, or at least won’t even contemplate…
some people are just with anyone to be with anyone, then rather being alone, no matter how terrible another person is. I don’t get it, I would rather be alone.
women pay for the privilege of being in a serious romantic relationship by taking on multiple full-time jobs
There are absolutely problems with being single — it’s just that as a society we tend to exaggerate those claims while ignoring the benefits, and we do the opposite for relationships. Particularly for women.
I’ve had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home with the kids. In every case, the woman still did pretty much everything — the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, all the childcare when she wasn’t at work. The man was considered to be doing such a valiant and noble thing for “giving up his career”…
A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary…