I can’t think of an infectious disease (that has some sort of treatment option) that is worth avoiding more than HIV. This isn’t 1980s gay panic.
I can’t think of an infectious disease (that has some sort of treatment option) that is worth avoiding more than HIV. This isn’t 1980s gay panic.
Getting a new trial means that he could potentially go free because his sentence is overturned.
Am I supposed to be relieved by this? This man knowingly and willingly exposed his partners to a potentially life threatening disease without their consent. At least one contracted the disease.
I randomly wonder about that with all guest appearances on shows in general. Like the chopped judges for example.
I had wondered. He’s not a regular on the show, and he’s a big name who might usually ask for a lot for an appearance on another show, but one could guess that he would be doing this for free/nothing. I’m wondering how long he will do it for $1400 per episode. Will he start getting more, stop doing it, or do it for…
I’ll admit I wondered about it, just because I think the only reason they went with a non-cast member is because they assumed Hillary would win and Trump would be little more than a footnote in history, and then they wouldn’t need him any more (same deal with Larry David as Bernie). And now they’re in a situation…
I actually wondered, since he’s doing it so frequently. I figured he was doing it for fun or getting paid a lot. Considering his usual salaries, he’s doing it for fun (fun not meaning YEAH but just meaning for reasons other than a salary.
Honestly, Cho has a good point
“I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck her.”
That house Asian thing is particularly bullshit when Cho has put herself out there as a critic of Swinton getting the role. It’s like, “I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck…
Honestly, Cho has a good point but is shooting at the wrong target. She needs to take it up with the screenwriters who decided to change the character from an Asian man to a Celtic woman. Swindon was offered a role for which she was suited, based on the script, and she took it. Or am I missing something here??
Cho has made herself one of the main voices of this debate and was publicly criticizing the movie and Swinton. If someone does that, they can’t then claim that if someone wants to talk about it with them that they are being turned to as the only Asian in the room. She has set herself up as an expert on this issue for…
I’m guessing that Cho doesn’t understand why a lot of people are pissed at her. It has nothing to do with her feelings that Asian actors should play Asian roles, which is completely valid. Everyone’s pissed because she took what was supposed to be a private conversation, twisted it into the worst possible…
The publication has been in the line of fire for awhile, made to share business teams with Glamour, and now only publishes 10 times a month.
“Did you know a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer than a police officer is to shoot a black man?” she said. “Those are statistics that no one wants to talk about.”
Kara, whether I like your post or not, it’s not wise to drop a post like this and then not engage further.
This is good. This is reasonable and lively debate- may be the only way to ever reach people like her. Yelling at her and screaming “YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOURE A RACIST FUCKWAD” will never make someone like Tami Tahren question how she views the world or change her opinions.
While I agree with you on the angst and feeling of moral disgust that a Trump Presidency is going to cause, unless his administration starts dictating the terms by which you can treat your patients, I’m not sure how this isn’t just abandoning those you’ve made it your life’s work to help? Wouldn’t you want to at…
they’re openly shitting on Deadspin, and it’s great