
You ask some great questions, and I agree with your questions 100%, but there is one question that you asked:

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Saw the absolute best comiccon costume involving one of these yesterday - dude in trex suit was chasing around a guy CLEARLY dressed like Dr.Malcolm, carrying a ‘flare’.

Saw the absolute best comiccon costume involving one of these yesterday - dude in trex suit was chasing around a guy

If he did a Beyoncé and tripped but did not catch himself like she did, I’d be ok with that. If I’m awake during the halftime show, I might just watch at Lady Gaga’s show from last year. It set the bar really high for SB halftime shows.

I just sent this to my sister. It reminded me of when she got in trouble for disrespecting her 2nd grade teacher. The teacher was young, had just arrived from another state, and early in the fall she told the class that there were no more Native Americans on the East Coast. My sister remembers looked over at her

Dear Baby Jesus and Baby Jesus’s Dad,

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Teacher: “King, I am very disappointed in your journal today.”

My husband wondered who “Richard Stands” was, and why he got a whole republic to himself.

Thank you!

Ah, yes. My home state’s song, about which once a year I get to tell people, “You really should hear the original lyrics.”

You’re missing the more important lesson here, which is that proper elbow cleaning is a key element of early skin cancer detection and treatment

What’s the statute of limitations for how long it can take someone to notice something before they can react authentically? Because I want to know how long I have to slowly steal money from you without you noticing before you’ll no longer be allowed to get pissed about it

I agree. That statue is so over the top racist that you can’t really get mad at it. It also encapsulates the history of American popular music. It gets to stay. It’s racist, but it’s also honest.

We sang My Old Kentucky Home in glee club in N.J. in the 19490'-1950's. We had no idea what a darkie was. None. I guess we thought it was a blackbird of some kind. Little kids don’t ask. It was just a pleasant melody you could harmonize. Embarrassment came later.

The head must bow and the back will have to bend,

He also composed the KY state song. Please find and read the lyrics. You will be amazed. They updated the song in 1986 and removed the second and third verses, just like the Star Spangled Banner, because they contain the most racist-ey parts.