
They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”

It’s more watchable than Temple of Doom, which has sections I actively hate, but also more forgettable. Both are vastly inferior to Raiders and Last Crusade.

He’s probably golfed with Tiger Woods that time be shot a 42 over 18 holes at Pebble Beach.

And the people in the room don’t count.

What are the odds that he could name five more black people, living or deceased?

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”

This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:

But to be “cucked” they’d first have to have the capacity to establish a meaningful relationship with another human being. For them, being worried about being perceived as a cuckold is akin to being worried that the controls on a plane are going to stop responding when they can’t pass the entrance exam for pilots’

Their logic is that they themselves would be gutted if they were referred to (or thought of) as “cucks”. They project this onto the rest of us, but since the rest of us are not sad, scared, angry little ingrates, we remain indifferent to the so-called insult. As their capacity to reason is sadly underdeveloped, they

Nobody who says “cuck” in earnest has ever had an opinion worth reading or hearing, much less responding to. They are an impotent and angry little circlejerk in a sad, squalid corner of the internet. Don’t shine light on them.

I can’t find the video, but I found the quote. After a man called her a chink, Cho replied:

You know what happens when you use the term “cuck” as an insult? You look like a pathetic coward, because only someone who’s immersed themselves in the internet alt-right echo chamber and is afraid to go out and interact with real people think that term is the devastating barb you silly chucklefucks believe it to be.

Another said both candidates were “garbage,” and he would be writing in Alfred E. Neuman. voting for Donald Trump.

What are you talking about? All Asians are exactly the same! There’s no difference between Korea and China and Japan and ‘Nam!

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

I’m cringing at all the “I know it can’t him, because he’s so nice!” or “He just never struck me as a predator!” comments.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

“...The closeted perv has never come out as gay — and even has children of his own....”

He doesn’t necessarily have to be gay to be a pedophile.

Fuck that noise.