Well, Hillary overheated on a hot day at a crowded event, and that is way more relevant than the fact that Trump lies about literally everything.
Well, Hillary overheated on a hot day at a crowded event, and that is way more relevant than the fact that Trump lies about literally everything.
So those Muslims you claim to have seen celebrating the towers falling were disgusting, but it’s okay for you to brag about it if it makes your penis metaphor sound bigger. Duly noted.
It seems like not having access to medication for their daughter isn’t the only cause of this, but it does seem to have added to the parents’ stress. This is the fourth or fifth story I’ve read this year about a parent or spouse committing murder-suicide and there being a link to lack of healthcare for their loved one.
Good God. Not enough Lexapro in the world for this.
And one who appears to learn something in one episode, only to forget it by the next.
Don't forget wealthy and well-connected
You forgot rich. With lots of rich and famous friends.
Yeah, my dad died from it.
Same here! I am as pasty as it gets and it’s so, so true!
“Gondor calls for aid”! took me out. Holy shit that’s funny.
As someone who is a shade darker than albino this made me laugh so loud it scared my cat.
Not only that but they all bought their teeth at the same place. That is some Stepford-level creepiness right there.
Guys, Paul Ryan doesn’t see color.
Which is pathetic enough, except that his retorts seem to amount to “nuh uh, you are.” Most of us progressed beyond that around 4th grade.
And that Thomas’ wife is a Health Care lobbyist making huge profits on challenging the law. Or that Scalia and Thomas both were wined and dined by the Kochs during and after Citizens United.
Trump is literally incapable of taking criticism. And I don’t use literally figurative, I use it literally. As far as I know there is not a single incident on record where someone criticized him and he responded with anything other than a personal insult in response.
Might want to remind people that Scalia never hesitated to express a political opinion. So there is precedent.