R.B.G. can do whatever the fuck she wants.
R.B.G. can do whatever the fuck she wants.
Tell me again how simple it is to just tell a guy no. When someone literally has to fake their death to get rid of you, maybe its time to reevaluate your life. She's nicer than me because I would've been all " I faked my death to get away from a Stage 5 clinger like you!"
"Restaurants arent your avenue to getting the personal chef/servant expereince that you cant afford at home" is something I'm going to repeat every time some jerk gets pissed at me for not burning the orange peel on his Manhattan. Thank you for that.
Stop ordering off the menu and justifying ludicrous customer behavior, and I'll have no problem being nice to you.
They told her exactly why, and she dismissed it.
I don't think it matters why someone gaslights you- the effect is harmful regardless.
I was thinking that about her story as well as the trend she says she observed in the boomers. Being too lazy to google any of the woman's work, I wonder if she actually interviewed the family members who cut off the parents or is she jumping to the conclusion that the kids are narcissists based solely on the story…
Denying things that actually happened is called gaslighting, in case you didn't know, and pretty serious emotional abuse in my opinion.
This lady sounds like a true narcissist. As a therapist and adult child of an emotionally/verbally abusive father who I have had to at times cut off to save my own sanity/grow as a person. I have recommended at times that clients cut off from their parents with whom they have toxic relationships. Sometimes this is…
They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me.
Bless you, Tracy Moore.
YES. It it doesn't support their narrative, it didn't happen.
idk but I think most people cut off their parents because they're the narcissistic abusive assholes, not the other way around.
Many times it is the parent who first cuts off contact with the adult child who won't conform in some way to their dictatorial attitude. The formerly abusive parent then tells everyone their child won't talk to them. Parents who are abusers often spend the child's life telling everyone around them how horrible their…
I have some experience dealing with someone (not a parent) who is so willfully disconnected from reality that they just don't understaaaaaand why you're upseetttttt what did they do wronnnnng can't we talk about it? And fine, you summon your backbone and your patience and you explain it clearly and simply. And your…
As the child of a narcissist (my father- thankfully my mother raised me) I can guarantee that grown children do not cut off ties with their parents because the parent did too good a job at building the child's self-esteem or because the parent won't support the view that the child has of themselves. Not talking to a…
When PBS promoted this article via their Facebook page, the comments were outstanding. 98% of readers reached exactly the same conclusion: the kids aren't the narcissistic ones. Reflection is hard, lady, but a therapist can help you through it.
I've cut my father out of my life.
Right? Have you met anyone who just cut out their parents for no reason? I haven't, I mean, I'm sure it happens, because people are weird, but both kids? Please. I have watched a lot of people struggle to decide if they should cut people out and hang around abusive or manipulative situations for way too long though.