Fun! Here's mine:
Fun! Here's mine:
Recently, Hwa Chong Institution, a secondary school in Singapore, held a sex ed workshop. Educating teens about sex…
It's fun imagining a T-Rex trying to move blocks with their head. Lord knows they can't do anything with their short useless arms.
"One of my exes was into medieval reenactment"
My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)
One day I overheard a girl yelling at a boy on the (pay)phone with the same name as my boyfriend. Being a one stoplight town, I was curious and asked her his last name. Turns out, she was yelling at her/my boyfriend. We hitchhiked to his house (with a super creepy dude) and upon knocking on the door, discovered he was…
I feel the food and Renfest caters to the slightly tipsy. A few glasses of mead, and everything sounds amazingly delicious
Mark: I would absolutely eat that. I would deep-throat the shit out of that cheesecake. I imagine heaven is just Bea Arthur, Rue McLanahan, and Sophia Petrillo just deepthroating frozen cheesecake.
Next time you go, try the fried mushrooms, which are in the same plaza as the green beans. The crepes over there are also pretty good. You must also try the funnel cake fries, which across from the place with the oysters. Those fries are seriously addictive!
Let me just grab my industrial sized Old Bay and a jacket
I'm going to dress up as you for Halloween. I'm going to walk around holding a crab pretzel and frowning at anything delicious, beautiful, or fun that pops into my line of vision.
Two unrelated comments:
and it may photograph about as well as a dumpster fire,
here i made this helpful food pyramid for ren faire food:
Perfect excuse to post bunny pics!
I will bunny gif you into submission.
Look here, Mark. Callie may be gone, but I'm still here to stick up for bunnies everywhere. Don't. Mess. With. Me.