Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
― Maya Angelou
I know it's just lighting, but it's crazy how different her skin tone looks from picture to picture!
I was just going to say, "I bet instead of all the 'well, she should have been more forceful, how was he supposed to know?' comments, we get 'what a bitch, she should have been nicer.' comments." But you beat me to it!
Perhaps you're missing just how soul-crushingly common this bullshit creep behaviour actually is. If every woman reported every fuckwit who screamed at them for getting rejected like the damp sack of shit they are, she'd never actually be doing anything other than being on hold with the local police station.
Clue the First: If you have to post, "Why aren't you replying to me," you have massive entitlement issues. Massive.
Clue the Second: As the HT employee points out, if you have to say, "But I'm a nice guy," you. Are. Not. I'm a guy. I'm heterosexual. I would never use, "I'm a nice guy," as the entry point for a…
The girl's first warning: A trenchcoat and what I'm willing to bet is a trilby and not an actual fedora. An outfit that is to nerd-douches what a sleeveless jersey and shorts are to an NBA player on the court.
Watching the bees!
I was just nowhere near your neighborhood.
And cameos by Tim Burton, Paul Giamatti, AND Eric Stoltz in mime make-up.
I have never felt older than when I rewatched Reality Bites and realized Troy sucks and she should stick with Michael because he has health insurance.
I still won't forgive Ben Stiller for unleashing this godless tune upon coffee shops, stationary shops, bookstores, adult contemporary stations, Pottery Barns, Ross/TJ Maxx/Marshall's/Fashion Bug outlets, and about half a dozen of my female high school teachers' classroom radios.
Ya I was told to watch for it then they didn't bother to tell me for 3 days that I had it. And same thing - went away with no treatment then came back days later with a vengeance. Drove myself to ER. Combined with the arterial bleeds in my sinus as well as the C Diff I lost a ridiculous amount of weight. BUT - before…