
You're right, it's a practical thing. Not cutting nails can get unhygienic and impede other religious values such as cleanliness, while not cutting hair doesn't get in the way. Not cutting hair is for two reasons: remaining as God created you (unless it interferes with hygiene, service, etc.) and having a unique,

It's true. You know the ancient Egyptians worshiped us as gods. You did not know that we were revered as gods of the storms and winds.

I want to braid it with ribbons! My daughter says, "And crystal beads."
It's not the "norm", but she looks happy and confident. Also, working in a primary school is an excellent opportunity for teaching the kids. "Yep, some ladies can grow a beard. Isn't that interesting?"

OMG - I have been clutching 995 one-dollar bills just waiting until I could buy the Alexander Wang "Parental Advisory" "sheer stripe knit neoprene sweatshirt"!! I am beyond excited! Rayon and nylon - wow! So what if it snags on anything it touches. I have been waiting my whole life to sit on a wall-mount public

Love the 'unnatural' comment, as it's the hair that is natural, and the implements/creams/laser to remove the hair is most certainly not. We as a society have become so ingrained with the idea of being hairless that we forget that it was less the 150 years ago that we started shaving. Let's face it: we have hair on

As a Sikh teenager who also doesn't remove her hair, I am beyond thrilled that those of us outside the norm are being recognized as beautiful, no matter the reason for not shaving/waxing/tweezing! I admire Harnaam Kaur so much. Especially how she is still comfortable with traditionally feminine things like makeup and

First thing I thought of too. It's admittedly a bit shocking but once the initial "unusualness"wears off you realize its actually really gorgeous, silky hair.

Holy crap on a cracker, this is the biggest "missing the point completely" that I have seen in ages.

I'm glad someone else said this. So soft! So very, very soft.

Her beard looks so soft and luxurious! I wish the rest of my hair looked as good as hers.

I hope she runs a country one day.

I hope she teams up with Balpreet Kaur, the Sikh woman who handed a rude Redditor his own ass, and they travel the world together, preaching body positivity.


Your depiction of this person is what's sad. There are people who have fetishes for shoes, armpits, long hair, short hair, fat women, thin women, feces, diapers, etc etc. The only thing that's common is that people have things they need to get to orgasm, why is this guy's situation "sad" other than your opinion?

I did love American Doll Posse. I even like the classical stuff, although I think she could really use someone to edit her work. But actually, my favorite live moment of hers was when someone kept interrupting one of her songs to scream how much they loved her and she finally told them to fuck off.

I have to brag for a mo'. I've seen her 3-4 times but by far the best was in an HMV record/cd store in downtown Tokyo in 1993 or 4. A friggen record store appearance. In Tokyo. I nearly dropped dead.

Yeah, I only just discovered him via Deadspin, and I've watched that Riverdance routine like ten times now. This guy is already my favorite male skater ever, quad or no quad. He combines the best of women's and men's skating, in my opinion. Those spins! That expressiveness! That flexibility!

Psshhh yeah, pop music is soooo lame-stream, amirite? I only listen to the digestive sounds of Eastern Caucasus mountain elk (transmitted directly into my brain via electrodes because I want to hear it even before my own eardrums do).

For SCIENCE, really. ;)

I am totally going to drunk-watch this, and yell out everything she gets wrong (yes, I know, it'll be everything, but STILL).