They're also getting lots of STIs. Tell grandpa to wrap it up, everyone.
They're also getting lots of STIs. Tell grandpa to wrap it up, everyone.
Hell even an average size Disney princess would be nice.
Yes, women vote in greater numbers than men do. I'm not quoting the statistics sarcastically to make them not so. If I'm quoting them sarcastically, it's because they don't mean what you think they mean. Okay, women vote in greater numbers than men. That does not mean that women are able to express their…
He's just trying to gaslight saying that institutional misogyny is a thing of the past. Pay no attention to the bunch of old white guys behind the curtain trying to take away your reproductive freedom.
I'd be interested to see numbers on student loan debt repayment for men vs women — how many of those women in grad school, law school, medical school are ending up in ruinous debt to be there, and how many of them manage to land jobs afterwards that actually allow them to pay it back?
duh foxy fox is totes fuckable!
I've been looking for an upscale place to shamefully shed my uterine lining for awhile now.
No, passivity is accepting your circumstances without challenge. Civility is challenging your circumstances in a way that is actually likely to help change them.
This is why the Lions should have been in the playoffs....(sad Lions fan speaking)
I just cannot watch videos like this without talking to the computer. If you hear someone in an empty room saying,"Oh you! You better GET it! Get that ball! Oh, you are so tough, you better GET it!", that would be me.
No kidding. They at least need to start including incest warnings. I get that a lot of people are apparently turned on by that, but I think everyone else has the opposite reaction.
I have six-pack abs, which I worked damn hard for. Before, when I just had a soft, mushy belly, I was okay with dudes who had a soft mushy belly, or even a big ole gut. But after working that hard on my body, goddammit, I want/deserve/expect to be with someone who is also that interested in working that hard to keep…
The real problem is that no one seems to be claiming responsibility. When reached for comment literally all of the 474,000 seniors replied, "I swear it isn't mine."
Also, "I'm not 'super hot' but I want women who are 'super hot'. I get mad when women also place importance on physical appearance."
Oh god. And his example is a model friend of his.