And seeing Thomas Lennon, producer of @Midnight, constantly losing.
And seeing Thomas Lennon, producer of @Midnight, constantly losing.
Chianti is really good with grilled meats. I told this to my dad, who invented the best freaking thing ever—wineburgers. Not even a joke. Marinate burger patties in chianti, then grill 'em up. SO GOOD.
Beef and barley, hamburger soup, tomato cream soup, wine soup that's served cold in a glass....
Funny, these kinds of altercations never seem to happen at the symphony, the theatre or the ballet. At least not in the audience.
I'm a self-loving cat person. But I feel a lot of shame right now.... shame for not know this exists!!!! DOWNLOAD
I have the Weather Kitty App, but I have Lil' Bub as my kitty of choice...and she always makes me feel better about whatever weather is coming my way.
Important to note: There's a Grumpy Cat theme for this. It is wonderful. My girlfriend uses it to much delight, it makes the harsh horrid Syracuse winters slightly more tolerable when your weather app agrees with you that the weather always sucks.
It really does make the weather report more pleasant—it's the difference between, "damn it, it's raining," and "Damn it, it's—KITTY IN A RAIN BOOT!"
I have the Grumpy Cat version. Best $2 I ever spent.
"As a man who strives to uphold the level of professionalism and dedication that I've maintained throughout my coaching career, as well as a family man focused on my wife and children, I can say quite honestly that I was disgusted and disturbed by what I saw on the website Deadspin-dot-com this morning. I mean, did…
"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"
The thing that annoys me the most are when people say, "I got the flu shot and the next day I got the flu, so the shot didn't help." Arghhhhh! The shot takes two weeks to start working. If you got the flu the next day, you were already exposed to the virus when you got the shot. Coincidence/Causality people.
I hate needles, just do. It's soon to be 2014, why do we still even have needles? Where are the Hyposprays?!?!
I read the article's title and was immediately convinced this was going to be an article about how women are more willing to get the flu shot because they are not a bunch of giant pansies about needles and they are more apt to recognize the importance of protecting themselves and their families against a potentially…
just another blow in the WAR ON CHRISTMAS.
She's still the reason. She was the ammunition he loaded into his racist, fear-mongering gun.
Well, but she isn't the reason.