Teen Dad

Old people ride buses, so do young people. I forgot where I'm going with this.

I dunno, but if it's like certain jobs I have had, you're inconveniently hired in the middle of pay period so you have to wait three weeks for your first check. This was back when people were expected to pick up their checks and not everyone had shifts on payday. The manager couldn't hold them for more than one day

I knew a guy who did payroll for one of these chains. He said that If an worker doesn't ask to be paid on payday, but the day after, s/he'll have to wait two more weeks to be paid for the prior two weeks. Their "strategy" was to weed out employees who are bad with money. In other words, you are punished for not

I guess the keyboard was having a smoke break.

This may sound weird, but on shuffle i once had Experimental Music Love sandwiched between I'm Moving On by Hank Snow and Kaki King's Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers and it flowed perfectly. Sometimes filler finds a good home.

Never Say N***er Again

The scalpers will most likely block the real fans with their preferred-advanced-access shit that Ticketmaster tends to give them. These guys could just do a free show wherever they held that SARS festival and no deserving Canadian would be left behind.

He would've done a great Papa Was A Rodeo, too.

I always figured that i was it's spiritual successor. Now that I think about it, everything they've done since is a conceptual 'love' album.

At my local McDonald's, there used to be a sign in the drive-thru that read, "Ask for a happy ending - it's free!". Turned out to be a small cup of soft serve.

Divine was the set. That's a compliment, not a fat joke.

Tal Bachman died on his way back to his home planet.

Finally I can ask DJ Paypal about the status of that refund pending since last October.

Hog Butchers for the world
Unite and take over
Hog Butchers for the world
Ham it over

Dorothy's Heartbreak Cheesecake
Step 1: Thaw and serve.
Bon Appétit.

I first read it as CSI: Déjà vu and figured they just ran out of ideas.

I bet George Hamilton will die in the next three weeks.

What about Joan Crawford's Follies of 1909?


My car phone?