Teen Dad

And Throne of Blood.

Now that I think about it, a lot of Roxy Music solos sound just like the one from Runaway.

Go jump in the lake, turkey!

When your gynecologist just isn't enough.

Ever take a road trip with John Candy?

Mr. Al Jolson?

"This is not Mel Tormé."

Dig, if you will, a parka.

That reminds of the time I saw Sleepy Hollow while incredibly high. I actually became a spectator in the movie, as if it were all around me. For the rest of the week, all i wanted to do was return to the snowy Hudson Valley of 1799. Years later, I happened to catch it again on TV, but something very special was

It sure as hell wasn't Spice World.

There was a time when I heard nothing but high praise, over and over, about The Sixth Sense. I did not enjoy that movie for whatever reason, so he'll always be overrated to me. I do know people who try to reassure me every couple of years that his latest film is his 'comeback' and he can still be 'the next

M. Night Shyamalan.

My local theater sells popcorn on a string for 39¢ a yard.


It's more of a "I should have gotten drunk before I got on this goddamn plane" movie.

I knew he was, but never knew why.

"Atta boy, Mike. Atta boy, Mike. Atta… BOY… MIKE!!!"

Just watch the first three minutes of Nashville to see how much his commercials have impacted pop culture.

At the time, it was following the popularity of Roseanne, which followed those themes on a weekly basis. It was clearly designed to focus on the struggling working class for the first couple of seasons. Then, throughout the 90's, the economy bounced back and the formula became tired. Maybe it's time the writers

In about six months, Doctor Who.