Teen Dad

Girls. They want. Wanna have fun. Girls. Wanna have.

They sell Chex Mix in the chip aisle, so you may be on to something.

The first couple of times I tried it, my vision would go into letterbox format and my upper lip would rise, exposing my front teeth. I resembled a rabbit.

Thanks, Matthew. I'm clearing the afternoon calender.

I'm sure I'll be ridiculed for just finding this out, but I never knew that Redd Foxx's real name was Sanford.

Some stuff is okay, sometimes.

For curiosity's sake, I'll have to locate and watch this movie.

It could be A. Mitchell Palmer, former Attorney General of the United States.

This might hurt a little.

Disposable cameras still exist. But where do hipsters go to get their film developed?

I've been wanting to see Lambchop for fifteen years but they only seem to tour Europe. If that's where the money is, I really can't blame them.

Fusilli contains 20% of your recommended daily iron intake.

Everything Memorable Must Go

"You ain't heard nothing' yet."

Me eat many cookie throughout day. Num-num-num!

[Agreeable response]

"It's my money and I NEED IT NOW!!!"

BOOOP = 5¢

Woody Allen: So many rice crackers claim to be low-cal, but only Fujikawa Rice Crackers make your interiors go bananas!

I don't know what to shapethink anymore.