Teen Dad

Late last night, I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away
This has to be the worst lyric change in the history of modern music.

Yeow! Woo-Hoo!!!

Better Call Big Pussy

Ziggy Stardust Battles the Pink Robot Monster

That EP he did with Calexico is worth checking out just to see how well he can mix. It goes down smooth.

Fear Eats the Soul > All That Heaven Allows

Peter Falk as Columbo.

My bet is that it will be the Palme D'or. After the Storm will win Un Certain Regard.

Hey, look who came in the mail!

I've always suspected that Jon and Cathy were married at one point.

He's gonna shoot blood at the audience with a giant syringe.

*hangs up phone*

Yeah, he's Trinidadian and… Tobagan.

What would a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate?

All signs point to Fresh.

As a kid, I broke open my sister's Etch A Sketch and snorted the dust. That was a gateway to Magna Doodle in my teen years, which led to the psychedelic nightmare that is Spirograph.

FourFiveSeconds (To Steal This Bicycle)

8½s & Heartbreak

It scares me to think how close we are to having Limp Bizkit considered Dad Rock.

You think by now she'd know the dangers of E. coli, salmonella and other bacteria.