Teen Dad

He doesn't look like Buddy Holly!

This is the look I get when I ask for a substitution at Denny's.

I doubt he's ever touched it. Maybe he thought it would earn him street cred, but going through the agonizing symptoms of heroin withdrawal, it doesn't make you wanna go "Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo-doo!"

Turn *kick* around, *punch* your back on eachother. *kick*
That's a good *kick* idea, *punch* break a promise to your mother. *curb stomp*

Poor Puff Daddy. No Money, Mo' Problems.

"I’m not gonna hurt ya, I’m just gonna shave your pubes off. Gonna shave ’em right the fuck off!"

It's Cold War Week at The AV Club.
Did you order the Code Red?

My growing boys go through two loaves of meat a day!


I'm annoyed by Password, Celebrity Name Game or any charade-related game show that televises the answer while the contestant guesses. It takes the fun out of playing along and offers no incentive for the viewer to give a shit.

"Man, I'm glad I called that guy."

So… can I go back to wanting to fuck them now?

I don't like it.

Until now, I've never been nauseated by reading.

Neeson (I'm dyslexic).

Bookend with Sea Breezes and Do The Strand and you got yourself a concept album.

It looks like Divine ate Ziggy Stardust.

Who you calling a Big Square?

I had to look that up. I'm surprised, to say the least.

I remember, somewhat reluctantly, going to a Nelly Furtado concert when that album was everywhere. She did a short, half-assed cover of Crazy and the audience responded more positively to that than any other song she did that night.