Teen Dad

But would Dr. Luke offer a referral to Dr. Fink?

She's still holding out for that Sly & the Family biopic.

NEWSWIRE: Marvel's Sinnerman now casting.

"There are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the Wong way and the way that I do it."

Haha… It's so true!

She wants to reclaim all the murders she wrote.

Oh, God. Unsee. UNSEE!

You'd think that people would of had enough of silly love songs.

Tuna Lunchables?

We are the goon squad and we're coming to town.

"Regrettably, The Hoke & Daisy Show was ahead of its time, and a humongous, steaming bowl of elephant piss."

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful | DRYWALLGIRL

Now that I think about it, even though Stipe knew her, it was probably written before she was known for her bizarre persona or acting career.

He made a comment on this article (13 up).

I suspect the last verse in Revolution by R.E.M. is a dig at Courtney Love.

I picture this would be a lot like the ending to Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare.

Not to be outdone, Ben Carson is now telling everyone he was that dude from Living Colour.

But stick with the plan and you'll be living in the Ritz-Carlton, too.