Teen Dad

"Okay, you got it out. Let's see you put it back in."

Indiana Jones And The Last Cruise For Seniors

Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind,
Hey Mickey!

I didn't realize you wrote such bloody awful poetry.

Every Rose Has a Thorn in His Side

Stop spreading the news.

I don't give a shit, so okay.

Star Wars?


Lust For Life is all you really need. You can wake up and go to bed with it.

Why don't you park those overalls and get in the truck?

Asghar Farhadi may be the best director alive.

What's the significance?

You're in the wrong neighborhood.

*tears off face.*

Two pies? Yum yum.

"I'm on the floor doing sit-ups."
- Diet Coke


Cheap bastard.

I'm still trying to figure that out.