Teen Dad

But it should be something more productive. Like watching TV or lying in bed.

The Kevin Malone Syndrome.

New Pornographers do a fine cover of this song.

Oh, that's an old wives tale.

Great username/comment synergy.

"Major Nougat! Gooey! Cocoa! Put down those entertaining Hasbro products."

You Just Haven't Derned It Yet, Baby

I Am Son of Sam

I've always glanced over When Things Were Rotten without much consideration. It may be the version of Men In Tights I've always wanted to see. Kind of like Police Squad and how it was better suited for TV.

We are all from Legoland.

I thought she was his sister.

There are people out there who anticipate and collect these fucking movies.

Love Week with Jared, exclusively at the Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood.

Black Books, if you like The IT Crowd.

But will it have the one where he was hangin' out with Little Stevie?

*rides polar bear into comments*
This is kinda fun.

Music makes the bourgeoisie and the rebel.

Whity: 12 Years A Slave

Not like you!

Previn: Each day I feel the darkness. Each day I feel the blackness. Each day we shovel fuel to feed the furnace. Each day I work as hard as I can.
Gregolt: You are a good worker. You are a better worker when you work in silence.