Teen Dad

And now, for my next impression…

Still a better idea than Avatar 2.

Anyway, how is your sex life?

You say yes, I say ☹.

Oh… Oh Tony, don't.

"When Screech fuck me good I take his ass to the Max."
-Lisa Turtle

Are We Human, or Tiny Dancers?

Something-something Coldplay.

Be careful. It could get real ugly, real fast.

*Jack Nicholson warns himself*

Ah, that's why he kept telling me to eat ma'self fitter.

Does a bear fuck in the woods?

No Dana, Only Zuul Intentions

MILF = Bob Evans

What better way to celebrate crab season?

Not to mention the pro-elastic band & safety pin agenda.

Used Guitars


They used to have those for cassettes, too. I remember ca. 1993 when i couldn't yet afford CDs, I'd be embarrassed to carry those long, white security handles to the till. Don't worry, I'm not gonna steal your shitty Crash Test Dummies tape (but I would like to buy it).

Maybe it's Doug-Ray, like Billy-Joe or Jim-Bob.