Teen Dad

When can I have some soup, SISTER?

"Sometimes what is cold as Ice can melt your Hart…"

Alright, alright, all red.

"When a woman puts her penis…"

*Puts on The Magnificent Seven soundtrack. Smiles.*

I'm just a Muppet dumpster baby… I'm takin' a stroll.

*squints eyes*

A New York Dolls reunion. In my bedroom!

*licks stamp*
BMG, here I come!

Your lack of dignity.

It's not unusual.

"You sold Petey to a blind kid?!"

I'm not feelin' it.

*Tony Shaloub falls off horse, breaks neck*

"When a man takes his penis…"

*Spike Lee bombs Gilligan's Island*

*awakes in a cold sweat*

Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away.

Who cut me cheek?

*wanders into Goodwill, exits*