
the cockpit is my nickname for my wife.

boy, you catch on quick

o maybe they’ll pull a reverse Zuck and just got with “The” Cambridge Analytica

The London School of MicroPricks

hes the drummer for Alient Ant Farm

Stark and Nebula alone... Start is responsible for Ultron and Vision and has lived his life as a cborg of sorts. Him having access to learning how Gamora is built and how he can perhaps enhance her will have a huge impact. Gamora is supposed to be next in line for the Gauntlet. Imagine a suoeroowered Gamora with a

The Neapolitans want to remind you... #1, nope... and #2, dont diss where you came from.

i own 4 certified Neapolitan pizza restaurants, our pizza is amazing...

the post about taking your foot off the brake is not a superstition... while it may save some brake wear, the real benefit to doing this is that your suspension is better prepared to absorb the impact... making it more comfortable and better on your car in general. When the brakes are on or you are accelerating, you

how many novels have you written?

$330 is cheap for a capable tablet? this country is screwed.

who is pretending? who, exactly, are you talking to?

the depth to which many of you fundamentally do not understand the issue is astounding... hint, it’s not with Facebook or any company using user data approved and provided by the user as part of a user agreement.

with all due respect to the Diamond player, you may be right that that’s the solution for an individual, but it’s not realistic for the bulk of competitive players. over 50% of players are gold or below and it will always be that way.

what the game really needs is to properly punish players who are unwilling to switch characters for the good of the team. I played several games in competitive yesterday where we CLEARLY need a tank or a support and someone picks Torb on attack, etc... when you are doing the right thing and playing a tank or support,

one thing is clear, this bish was certifiably nutzo

when would you expect them to be implemented then? they weren’t on the original and this is the follow up device... makes sense they would include these features that appear to be on the list if standards since the first gen came out. Would you like them to travel back in time to change the first gen? Let’s let them

they would probably backtrace the culprit.

there is zero reason to even debate who he will be... a key Cheetah ally and character is Kobra.

let me guess the plot... Laura Dern shows up and assumes control of the entire operation, willfully withholding information from Chris Pratt as a show of power, only to cause the destruction of all the major installations on the island with her inability to take action. Finally, she realizes the error of her ways