
*ahem* police unions.

+1 missing a

This reminds me of a family member, who as a part of a private union, was constantly bad mouthing public unions, one of which I am a member. Finally after a long time, I realized that he didn’t know that my union was only public because it is impossible for a union of public school teachers to negotiate with a private

It’s refreshing to see a story about a basketball star worried about keeping children out of a Ball’s mouth instead of some other combo those words.

LaVar Ball is a moron. It obviously hasn’t been an issue for Isaiah Thomas.

LeBron will eat Lonzo’s soul and glare at LaVar for an extended beat next season, and I can’t fucking wait

Unions are great and all but I for one believe that all employees should have the right to marry and it isn’t the government’s job to say who can and who can’t.

Thrillist management was reportedly...

Look, I’m all for punishing scumbags wherever and whenever necessary, but this goes beyond the pale. The expelled students have to go live in Yuma?

You know, growing up we were warned against marrying people who were cheaters, alcoholics/addicts, domestic abusers, etc. But another vice which can have profound effects on a marriage is LAZINESS. Having a home, maintaining a marriage, and raising kids is a lot of necessary and tedious work. If your partner is

Here’s the issue my husband believes (like literally believes) we are at 50/50 when in reality it’s more like 90/10 and it blows my mind. What was even more revealing is I tried to create a chore chart/list to create a more equal workload but so many items I was like “he won’t do that right” or “this looks like he’s

Because a lot of dudes literally don’t see or understand the full scope of the work as a result of socialization. Women see the unequal distribution of household labor because they’re the ones doing the work. It’s like how white people don’t see white privilege because they’re the ones with the privilege. People of

“cuz MY MOM did it!”

While I understand that it absolutely is a thing, I do not understand why so many men are seemingly unwilling or unable to go at least 50/50 on household chores and child rearing, and why so many women put up with/allow it. As a guy myself, this dynamic just seems ridiculous.

How Not to Add an Additional “Child” to Mother After You Become a Mother By Requiring Your Husband to Act Like a Grown-Ass Man

Today’s self-proclaimed feminist men aren’t nearly as feminist as they think they are.

And in a move so tone deaf I actually screamed out loud, the new Republican proposal gives insurance company executives a tax break on salaries over $500,000.

$2000 for stitches is the abuse that the industry does to the American public.