Rod Strickland Propane

Yet another example of American Football Culture and how it not only turns a blind eye, but encourages it’s inhabitants to be violent, entitled man children, who believe they are above consequences because they play a child’s game. This will continue because the apologists for this culture continue to worry more about

He’ll get drafted, put on 20 pounds of muscle and start knocking guys on their asses. Those short legs are durable and less prone to injury. He did get run down a few times though.

Regardless of how you feel about pipelines or fossil fuels or native peoples this is a master class is government fuckery. Basically, a company says, “Hey, i want to build a pipeline (bc train cars are stupid)”, and then a bunch of government acronyms reviewed and approved it, notably the Army Corp of Engineers. And

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe posted on its Facebook page that Koenig is slated to meet with children for his camp at a local middle school in Fort Yates for three hours Saturday.

I guess this means he won’t be taking a knee.

My high school English teacher was a women’s basketball coaching assistant at Old Dominion. This is all I can really add here.

I always think of this:

C. Montgomery Burns knows what’s going on.

It wil just be a caricature of Bradford humping Magary from behind.

I’m a Vikings fan, and honestly, I’m okay with this.

I’m sure the Bottom Line will read that it was “first reported by ESPN’s Adam Caplan,” right next to ESPN’s metrics telling us that Missouri has a 52 percent chance of beating West Virginia, and the report that Virginia’s injured middle linebacker is Todd McShay’s 31st rated linebacker for the NFL Draft!

I was outside with my dogs, then came back inside and saw the exact same thing. I went from thinking “Why in the fuck would Minnesota want Bradford?” to “Why in the fuck did Minnesota give up a first-rounder for Bradford.”

I’ll just say this: there are few things I’m looking forward to more than the 2017 edition of “Why Your Team Sucks: Minnesota Vikings.”

The hand that feeds us? We’re the fucking hand in every scenario whether it’s tax payer dollars or a private company paying for security. The fuck are you going on about?

Dear Santa Clara cops,

Frankly, I think not having cops at the game will be a far safer situation for everyone involved.

Turns out cops feeling threatened by a person of color merely sitting there is pretty close to the root of the very problem Kapernick is complaining about.

So, to get this all straight:

Where’s the “DO YOUR JOB” shirts? Isn’t to “PROTECT AND SERVE” sorta your motto?

Really. Peaceful protest is “an environment of harassing behavior” now? What delicate things.

And these are probably the same people who complain on Facebook about the scourge of academic “safe spaces” and the “pussification” of today’s youth.