Rod Strickland Propane

Patriotism in America, and the symbolism of the flag often get conflated with jingoism. That is, a patriot, to the minds of some, is someone who joins the service, it is therefore patriotic to support them and by extension patriotic to stand for the flag, to pledge allegiance. Doing otherwise is therefore considered

Good on ‘em. Anybody who tries to turn their protest (some more) into some kind of commentary on the military don't have any interest in any kind of rational discussion. It is a commentary on America.

There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.

I stand with their decision to sit down.

Don’t ask Rodney Harrison...

The NFL? Disingenuous?! HOW DARE YOU!

I can't get the video to work, and I don't know these guys by their names. Will someone tell me what color they are so I can form my opinion?

Something seems slightly disingenuous about having “Salute to the Military” on the fourth preseason game, which is probably ALWAYS your lowest attended game.

Slave owner mentality. I was born up north, grew up in NC, trust me when I say that they still have that. It just now extends to EVERYONE beneath them, professionally and personally.

Serious question: does anyone here actually listen to the Finebaum Show? What’s the point? I hear ads for it every five minutes in the ESPN Radio app, and it just sounds like a bunch of stereotypical Southern people talking about nothing.

Man, that show was the first time I experienced Bomani or Finebaum. I don’t even remember why I was watching, as I should have been at work, but ho-lee shit.

“Darius Rucker was there”

So the preview in my notifications just quoted you as saying, “This will also be my face when Finebaum is suspended from his show for a week” and I almost got Bomani Face (TM) again. Glad I clicked through and read the whole thing.

Finebaum would still have cried fowl

This will also be my face when Finebaum is suspended from his show for a week, and his listeners go on Twitter to complain about his First Amendment rights being violated by big government...

The older I get, the more I realize that things are fucked up because older people are allowed to be in charge and have a say in things. Hearing Finebaum say this is about as surprising to me as hearing someone’s grandma wax poetic about when everything was still segregated.

To quote Bomani Jones:

Kaepernick should have performed an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary. The only acceptable form of protest.

CTE is real, folks.