Rod Strickland Propane

Reasonable, lucid take> First Take

Whole new level of respect for Stan.

Nailed it. Just nailed it.

Excellent. Thank you for sharing.

If Schiano is truly the DC and calling the plays on Defense, OSU is fucked when it comes to defending any team with any sort of a pulse running the spread.

As a Rams’ fan I’ve been trying to figure this out for the past few years also. The worst was 2013's Monday night game, where the future Super Bowl Champion Hawks were literally run over by the Rams D-line and future (current?) streetcart hotdog vendor Zac Stacy. The Rams would’ve won the game (and possibly changed

The answer is always yes with but a few exceptions.

Urban Meyer on the Gibson suspension: “Was not athletic department or football and I disagree with it, so.”

Is it wrong to admit that I read these previews just to find out if the coach is a dick?

The Rams, like the Chargers, exist not to make a serious attempt at the Superbowl but to fuck up other people’s chances. They’ll drop a minimum of 8-10 theoretically winnable games every season only to squeak out upset wins against legit playoff contenders in late October.

The fake punt return Austin and Stedman Bailey pulled out against Seattle is my last memory of pro football here in STL.

“When you’re in the same division as Jeff Fisher AND Jed York, you get a four-win head start every season”

He looks like he's going to be in the next Expendables movie.

...wha...I mean...would you look....I just...c’mon...

He just can’t believe it!!

I was gonna say “well, part of the problem is that their quarterback is a 47 year old insurance claims adjuster.”

I just glanced at it as I scrolled down and figured it was an old stock photo of Mark Brunell.

Look at that top photo. Every season as QB of the Jags is akin to four years in office as President. Blake Bortles will be a spry 48 by the end of next season.


Notre Dame is as bad as it gets, which, considering Stanford exists, really is saying something.