Rod Strickland Propane

Somewhere Jon from Jon and Kate +8 is dropping off some bottomless mozzarella sticks to a table at TGIFridays and crying into his Ed Hardy shirt.

So the white guy pretending to be black stays on, but the guy criticizing the white guy pretending to be black... he gets the axe?

They could have been transparent and talked contract with the agent before the draft since the 1st 2 picks were obvious but the Chargers must think they know what they’re doing since they beat the Raiders at moving to LA.

Right. I doubt you want to play hardball with a kid whose great-grandfather ran the Chicago mob. Tony Accardo (or Joey Batters) was no pushover either!

San Diego has a football team?

Plus rookies didn’t get to vote for the CBA that artificially depresses their wages (and forces them to work for a specific team). It is a wonderful thing for someone who can presumably afford to take a stand against his highly-limited bargaining power to do so.

The Chargers are the only team in the league that demands offset language in every rookie contract. Bosa’s side was willing to accept that demand, but under the stipulation that he receive the entirety of his signing bonus up front.

Leave it alone, Tawmmy.

Just so we are clear, I’m flagging you for linking BR. Fuck outta here with that shit

Brown’s estranged wife, Molly, told police that Brown has assaulted her as many as 20 times.

I don’t know if that’s the reason, but the NFL has not given its players any reason to doubt that. After very publicly over-correcting suspensions against to prominent black players (AP and Rice), getting slapped down by the courts for not applying punishments consistently, and announcing a new easily applied standard

They can't cut him. It's not like there's a lot of out-of-work kickers, waiting for the phone to ring, and commenting on Deadspin articles

Mara said he was inclined to cut Brown, but that after a long discussion, the kicker hung out and made a ton of extra points.