Rod Strickland Propane

wowwwwwww how dare you continue on this witch hunt! joe was an actual saint walking on this earth. HE DONATED MONEY FOR A LIBRARY!!! so what if he looked the other way and dozens of kids were raped!!! he’s a legend and we should all commit mass suicide at beaver stadium to honor him today!!!!

Not as bad as the Ohio State marching band’s rendition of Sweet Child O’ Mine at Happy Valley.

This is all just a misunderstanding; Rice was simply honoring the amount of fans in attendance.

I wish Temple would do this while state Penn is honoring Paterno this week. But they probably aren’t traveling with the team.

I crossed the rice mob once. Got mixed up in a turf war between “Uncle” Ben and the Roni family.

As someone who went to graduate school at Baylor, I can assure you that it will be spectacular. My Facebook feed will be filled with every take under the sun.

No problem with it for me. Some band’s formations only go to X. Theirs go to XI

Confused football fan: “That’s a good starting XI”

He just Benny Hinned that Devil!

That looks like it hurt. I’m glad these student athletes wear helmets and should pads to protect them from injury.

That ‘stash still looks better than Kroenke’s.

Woah hey now, what’s wrong with Pearl Jam? Ten is one of the best albums of the 90s

Two things I likewise would not want to be identified as: Cubs fan, Pearl Jam enthusiast.

Sometimes, victims of rape will try to rationalize the assault or pretend that nothing happened because it’s easier than dealing with the trauma. People deal with trauma in different ways, and unless you’ve been there it’s really tough to understand.

Hell, if he were the starting quarterback, he’d still be playing on Saturday.

I think you missed my sarcasm

“Masina was banned from campus last Friday and given until Monday to remove his belongings from his campus living space.”

If he were white, he’d only be looking at a couple of months.

Absolutely deplorable behavior, but at least this kind of shit eventually gave us Kenny Loggins’ solo career.