Rod Strickland Propane

What they’re doing is choosing not to protect people who spit on them and vilify them.

I’m sure he/she would call someone who doesn’t let their feelings get hurt by a pair of socks.

Philly fans = St. Louis Cardinal fans of bad behavior

I didn’t realize Philadelphia was a West Coast town.

Really? And they allow persons such as yourself without an iota of analytical and critical thinking skills to vote?

The Patriots were fighting for independence because they felt angry about taxation and being ruled by a government thousands of miles away. South Carolina seceded because they felt their way of life (slavery) was under attack. Kap is protesting what he feels is injustice. Seeing how several other players have joined

I agree, not sure what it has to do with the military. If you want to say he’s disrespecting the police, I’ll agree with that notion.

According to the price tag of the tickets, it’s a regular season game.

True, that old say about how in college it’s the “name on the front” as opposed to the pros being “the name on the back.” In college the white coaches get all the credit while in the pros, the players (as they should) get the credit.

Why would Kaepernick need to figure it out? He’s the one who said it, you’re the one who needs to figure it out.

I agree, if you’ve ever listened to his call-in show, his views are consistent with his listeners. Having said that, I find it strange how these Southerners feel this way despite being enchanted by a sport dominated by blacks.


You’re right, not everyone who criticizes him is racist. Having said that, you notice the racists are tending to take one side of this.

I was thinking the same thing too. What irony that Kap is putting himself out there publicly and these guys are attacking him behind the shroud of anonymity.

Do you think if Brandon Weeden did this he would get this type of venom?

I always remember Jerry Jones parading around that Green Bay offensive coordinator and naturally the job went to some retread: Dave Campo.

They’re actively trying to get intelligent fans out of the “game” - err entertainment product.

Just because you don’t understand what he said doesn’t make it incoherent (everyone else seems to understand what’s protesting). What’s wrong with wearing a Fidel Castro shirt?

How is he disrespecting the flag? Is he being a bad American? Good thing people like you weren’t around in 1776, otherwise he’d be sitting for the Union Jack.