Rod Strickland Propane

Nope, Black Flag

Yeah, I don’t understand why deadspin is covering this sports-related issue.

I don’t follow motor sports or any sports for that matter

You’re welcome!

So he’s a dick cheese for standing up for his views. Good to know, glad you weren’t around in 1776, otherwise, he’d be protesting the Union Jack.

The fact you’re talking about this issue shows it’s working. So go fuck off.

So you speak for white people now?

So basically you’re saying he shouldn’t’ say anything. Blacks have been doing that for years and look how it turned out.

How is it a slap in the face to the military current and past? Please explain.

Well, in defense of us white people, we’re a smug and condescending group. When we say for example, “stand up for what you believe in.” We really mean: “stand up for something that doesn’t make us feel uncomfortable about past actions that quite frankly may be frowned upon.”

I’m glad you enjoyed the game and it seems like most video game reviewers like the game as well. Enjoy reviewing the same game for the next 5 years!

His defenses might not be able to defend the spread offense but he’s quite good at defending himself from allegations he knew about Sandusky’s misdeeds while at Penn State.

few exceptions.

I just glanced at it as I scrolled down and figured it was an old stock photo of Mark Brunell.

You’re missing the point, like with NCAA athletes, if money is being made off of your work, you should get a piece of it.

Ah, Little League baseball where “love of the game” is codeword for: these kids aren’t given a share of the revenue despite being the attraction.

I’m not God.

Says the guy who wants a high school kid basically banned for one dumb mistake.

Don’t worry about it, it’s above your head.

That’s weird, I don’t recall asking for your opinion of this matter.