Rod Strickland Propane

You two are cute, you guys should go have coffee together.

Sucking my own self-righteous dick beats you sucking Joz Jonlin’s dick.

Uh, yeah, I was there. It was one of the more shameful things you’ll see in the game

Trump later retweeted this GIF to explain why football players should vote for him.

“Show me where in the rulebook it forbids firearms on the field?!?”

...or a drink special at the one of the local “gentleman’s clubs.”

So let me get this straight: The’ll haggle over when a few hundred thousand guaranteed dollars are paid (now or later), but they also care so little for success that they’ll potentially sacrifice a #3 draft pick because their feelings are hurt? Makes sense

Basically what I’m saying. Eli has a track record of success and this kid has... a college diploma.

So Eli won a national title at Ole Miss?

Our lone championship in the major 4 sports was won by the Supersonics back in ‘79

Consider it a “fee” to avoid playing for San Diego.

That literally made me LOL.

When did Chris Kluwe start working for Bleacher Report?

Fuck you, I like watching slideshows.

In defense of the NFL, he’s a kicker and nobody gives a shit about them unless they miss a 27-yard field goal in a playoff game.

In defense of the Chargers, Dean Spanos’s grandfather was head of a Greek disorganized crime family.

Wentz and Elliot (the picks on either side of him) both have offset language.

They’re called the Aztecs.

I know nothing about NFL contracts

Dude, it’s Philly