Tha Row

It’s also amazing the mental gymnastics the American public will do to convince themselves a “good guy” like Lance or Peyton didn’t cheat. At least with Peyton there’s only one source so far but with Lance there were multiple people who said he doped. Remember how Bonds got pilloried when his former training buddy

Bob Stoops is a "good guy" cause he says shit like "fans come to see Oklahoma and not the players."

Rock bottom would be committing an actual crime, not violating the Brown's PR expectations.

It sounds like no amount of evidence would convince you since you sound like a Manning-apologist.

I like my NFL too look like a video game so please let these guys dope.

It’s just really difficult to help an alcoholic.

I agree he handled it well and perhaps Manning should have hired him to handle his PR instead of Ari. Having said that, one big advantage Pettite had over Manning was that he wasn't a huge star. If you asked most Americans back then who Andy Pettite is, most would say "who's that?" Most Americans likely won't be that

Arizona buried a possible division champ by 5 touchdowns. The Patriots lost to the Jets.

HGH is medicine that has tons of potential for all kinds of legit therapeutic uses, but is stigmatized by sports bans. Legalize, destigmatize, and use that shit.

They would bury Brady since he's seen as a cheater. He would also be deified like Big Papi (no stranger to chemical enhancements).

Pettite was also full of shit. He only acknowledged his PED use for the times he was caught. If you think he only used it a "few" times then you probably think Mark McGwire would have hit 70 home runs without PEDs (like he claims).

If you replaced Peyton Manning and Al-Jazeera with “Jay Cutler” and “ESPN” then this story would be viewed way differently. I’ve read people claiming that Peyton taking HGH should be okay since it was for his neck and that Al-Jazeera has an agenda. Like with Lance Armstrong, Manning is seen as a “good guy.” This was

“Get off my lawn!!!!”

So Newton got upset about it?

For stealing cars?

That's an old school card. Everyone knows he got demoted to the bullpen in his sophomore season.

At least Quebec can say their language is a minority language. Texans on the otherha....aw fuck it, go outside of Austin and you'll discover proper English died there 200 years ago.

Speaking of Nicholas Cage, what the hell has happened to his career?