Yinzers Are People Too

Holy Jesus! Can someone that knows more about this chime in on whether or not that's rally the best way to close up that gash? I imagine that'll get it to heal, but that is going to leave a gigantic scar, right?

I've been wearing Lucky jeans for a few years now and just bought two new pairs of Lucky Super Soft jeans a few weeks ago. I forgot how damn luxurious they are brand new!.

The sales lady at Lucky told me to wash my jeans inside out in cold water and air dry when I picked up two new pairs (that I rotate on a weekly basis, pretty much) a few weeks ago. Each pair has been washed once so far, and never ironed. Those wrinkles will work themselves out on their own. People that iron jeans are

The only thing that fixes this situation is if the GMs decide they want harsh punishments doled out for violence. Until doing this crap severely damages the team whose player acted recklessly (James Neal and Thornton in this case) it will not stop. If harsh punishments are doled out to the point where the team suffers

This kids parents definitely didn't vote for Obama.

I think I'm going to appropriate your family tradition for my family.

Lucky Charms strands - now with purple horseshoes

This is what I came here to say. I plan on Griswolding the fuck out of our house this year with fat multi-colored lights. I just hope I can find them—it seems they're less and less available every year as everyone tries to push LEDs.

I don't think it's actually a bad thing if you piss clear a lot. If you're only having 8-10 cups of water a day you're certainly not going to die of water intoxication.

Jones should've ran him the fuck over. I got no problem with Tomlin in general, but this was stupid.

You've either not been to Pittsburgh recently and haven't been paying attention, or you're just a dick. Your statement is not factual. Either way, your original comment that NFL players should just shut up and play on Thursday because "it's their job" and not express the opinion that they should not be made to work

That is such a brilliant/shitty move on their part.

There is a LEGO Ninja Turtles playset? I feel like I've been depriving myself of some important LEGO knowledge. Maybe it's time I resubscribe myself to the catalog...

Playing football and playing hockey are not the same thing, clearly. There's a big difference between what football players experience on the field and what hockey players experience on the ice. Both sports are played by extremely tough athletes, but saying football players shouldn't feel aggrieved for having to play

You're physically conditioned to work when you're scheduled to work and you're also, apparently, mentally conditioned to be a an idiot.

My wife is not stupid, and Todd's wife is not necessarily stupid either. My wife knows she doesn't have to think about the oil because I will take care of it for her. If I died or we separated or whatever my wife would certainly take care of her car as appropriate, but as it currently stands I know that she is very

I have no sympathy at all for Todd. You should know whether or not your wife is the type of woman to keep up with the regularly scheduled maintenance on her vehicle or if she's the type of person that would drive a vehicle for 26,000 miles without ever taking it in for an oil change. My wife would never get her oil

I have every confidence that you'll love the phone. I got mine on-contract for $200 a month or so ago, but I absolutely love it.

This is obviously an embarrassment and there are obvious repercussions to such an obvious bending of the rules regarding Tomlin's obvious attempt to cheat.

What is she saying? I can't make it out and it's driving me nuts.