Yinzers Are People Too

Driving through Pennsylvania on 80 is bad enough on its own without all the mother fucking trucks fucking everything up even worse. They know they're bigger than you and they know you're afraid of them and they use it to their advantage. Bullies, the whole lot of 'em.

I just wanted to come back to say thank you! I followed your advice exactly and the potatoes stayed warm, fluffy, and moist for a full two hours by the time everyone got everything situated for dinner. Thanks again for the tip!

This is perfect. I would've never thought to do this. Thank you so much!

I have to take mashed potatoes to Thanksgiving already mashed and ready to go. I'm not arriving immediately before dinner, so these potatoes will have to be reheated in some way once I arrive at my destination. I attempted to insist on prepping the potatoes at the host's house, but mashed potatoes was always my

Okay, so I suppose I was being too specific and not realizing it. I want to be able to say "Play <song title> by <band/artist>" if I just want to listen to one specific song and then get back to the radio.

Can anyone explain to me the circumstances under which Google Now will play me music with the Play Music app? It seems so hit or miss. Does the music have to be actually downloaded to my phone to work (either explicitly pinned or just cached)? Does it have to be music I purchased or uploaded myself? Should it work for

I use a Swipe Down gesture in Nova Launcher to open AppDialer. It gets me to any app fast enough that I only have one home screen with app shortcuts on it, one with a Google Now and Calendar widget, and one empty just to balance out the parallax wallpaper.

The NFL's commitment to Player Safety marches on.

Is it 4 minutes or 4 hours? That's important information there.

My current setup is Nova Launcher with three home screens. The main screen has apps I use constantly, the screen to the left has a half-screen Google Now widget and a half-screen calendar widget, and the right screen is empty—it's only there to even out the wallpaper. I have AppDialer mapped to a swipe down on the

False. People choose their clothes. People don't choose their skin color. Big difference.

You mean they don't just write "HBD!" on official letterhead and drop it in the mail?


I had to shit in a bucket once while my roommate was loudly fucking his bitch of a girlfriend in our shower. I went and got two heavy-duty trash bags to place the bucket in, did what I needed to do, wiped up with paper towels, and then sealed the bugs and dropped them out of the window. Later that day I nonchalantly

The only useful advice here was the $10,000 consolidation loan. A low-interest consolidation loan is always a good idea, but when you have a bunch of credit card debt it's not always possible to get one. It sounds like the best way to get out of debt (according to this article) is to injure myself on someone's

I'm a little unsure if I should be sharing this with this particular crowd, but my wife and I make a stew recipe based on this one from Emeril: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/emeril…. We wanted beef stew and had tried a few different recipes we found online that were not satisfying. We tried this one based on how

I keep seeing this tip and being terrified because I hate mayo. The explanation seems plausible. Dammit I'm just going to have to try it for myself.

Holy shit! That one actually took my breath away a little bit.

Not every person reads reddit every fucking day. By your logic, Reddit is simply ripping their stuff off of whatever web sites the people on Reddit link to. In summary: shut the fuck up and go back to r/*wanking motion in your face*

I get flash-back embarrassment at least once a day to random times I was trying to be cool and fit in with the guys that lived on my floor freshman year and totally fucking failed at least once a day. The whole group of them remained close friends throughout the 4 years and since I spent so much time trying to fit in