Yinzers Are People Too

I think using slavery as a comparison in that way does a disservice to the history of slavery in this country, and to the reality of slavery that actually does exist today. Not being able to go to college is not the same thing as not being a free human being with the full rights of a human being. No matter how you

The fact that college athletes refer to themselves as slaves is evidence that they are not properly educated on what it actually meant to be a slave.

My wife is a pharmacist (and she's wonderful) but more importantly she's a woman who is ready to have another baby (I'm also ready) so she's taken the time to learn a lot about how to tell when her body is in prime baby-conceiving mode. I explained very lovingly that the only details I needed were "it's time!" and she

Are you stupid? Women have absolutely not been in charge of pretty much everything for the entirety of human civilization. Moron.

Can we add something in there about men having a right to NOT know that the only reason their wives want to fuck on a certain night is because their cervical mucous is conducive to conception? Oh, that's great, hun, but holy shit now I'm thinking about thrusting my penis in and out of cervical mucous instead of

I really hope that's true but even if it's not, good job!

So as a white person married to another white person I should probably NOT attempt to dress my son up as Baby Mike Tomlin for Halloween, right?

You're Not Just Marrying Your Partner, You're Marrying His or Her Family Too

All of this is making it a lot more difficult to watch football. Now when I see a brutal hit I don't cheer and holler and root for the "harmless" violence the way I used to. I shudder and wonder if the guy is going to be okay, and think about how his family must be terrified watching the game on TV. Maybe I'm soft,

You lost all credibility when you used one of many tools for parenting this article detailed and applied it to a situation where it is clearly not the appropriate tool to use.

That is an amazing tip! I'll definitely be using that as soon as my son is old enough to understand (he's 14 months right now) more advanced concepts. Thanks for posting!

I have no idea why this works, but it does work really, really well to the point that a lot of the time I just say “You better do something before I count to 5” and I just start counting. I don’t even have to mention the consequences. I had picked this tip from a colleague and I remember her saying “One of these days

Period splashes, exposed tampons, peeing while I'm brushing my teeth—yeah none of that bothers me after about 3.5 years of living together and 5 years of dating . I don't think I could ever be ready to witness my wife pooping or have her witness me actually in the act of pooping, though. I have had her bring me toilet

3/10. I see what you're going for, I just don't like it.

I like this but I'd have to set it up so that the monitors were on opposite ends of opposite sides of the table. I like to stretch out my legs every once in a while when I work and this wouldn't really be conducive to that. Everything about the cable management is fantastic, though.

You! GTFO!

You really reeled me in with the (usually).

I get that sometimes emergencies happen. I'd expect pooping outside during a run to be an emergency only thing and not come iwth a non-chalant "lol runners poop outside because runners" attitude. It should be more like "oh my god I had to poop in a bush it was horrible!"

That's exactly my point. If you know you're going to take a dump EVERY DAY when you run it is extremely possible to plan your run around your dump. That's just disgusting.

I think there should be a new rule for the internet. Rule 34 is the one about there being porn for everything. We need a rule that says something about if you ask if you're the only one on the internet, you're not the only one. Ever.