Yinzers Are People Too

She’s also quite pretty, which would help promote the show, at least in the beginning.

She’s the most talented, whipsmart, fearless sports presenter to come along since who knows when.
The first time I saw her on TV, I actually called people to tell them to turn on the show.
Even if they don’t have any actual ideas they could just reboot Garbage Time on a channel that people are watching.
Katie’s like a

I think that was more about Theon being able to be a Stark AND a Greyjoy. Like, you can be honorable AND beat someone to death on a beach. Which will set up Jon figuring out how to accept being a Stark AND a Targaryan next season. I’m just glad he’s going back for Yara.

Ok so explain this peter love, because for four episodes it has become crystal clear that he just wants to be The Bachelor.

The thing is, this is like when Fox news tried to call out The Daily Show for not being “Fair and balanced.” That’s not The Daily Show’s slogan, just like winning isn’t the fucking goal of the “dirtbag left.” Winning is the goal of centrist, career politicians. That and claiming to “go high” are the only currency

My favorite firefighter show was “Rescue me”

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

I think w was a terrible president but I don’t think he was a bad man. I think he was a rich, party boy way over his head surrounded by the axis of evil. If he owned like a car dealership I could see him bringing his employees doughnuts on Fridays. Donald is a fundamentally bad person. I seriously don’t think he was

I am certain Tilda first composed her emails on parchment with a silver pen and inkwell, and it is her assistants that typed it into the computer

I don’t get it, Samer. Are you suggesting that the bandages are covering up a receding hairline?

There is a time to hit people, he is the only one in this story who knows when that is.

“Just sitting around the house tonight w my dog. Felt like I should be doing something important, but couldn’t put my finger on it”

This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

This will be an interesting dynamic no matter what your feeling on this her stance (heh) is. Unlike Kaepernick she has everything to lose by doing this and she is doing it during National team competitions. I know I’m on record of bashing Kaep however I think this (his) kneeling trend is much more respectful and as

Agreed. The later is much more powerful.

Attn Trent Dilfer:

The only acceptable answer for a white man in this situation is as follows:

“Regardless of my own take on this situation, I am in no place to give my opinion, as I have not had to deal with racial prejudice at all during my lifetime. I am thankful to live in a country where a tasteful demonstration of

Playing college football is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t have the integrity to avoid illegally purchasing pencils for school, then you can’t be trusted to risk your long term health for the profit of your institution.

It’s definitely a weird place to be in. My husband and I both work white collar jobs but I struggled with severe post partum depression that had him playing the role of primary parent for her. I am endlessly grateful for having a partner who didn’t look at raising a child like it was entirely my job. It’s important to

I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.