Also, what have the Steelers done lately? Looked like shit. Yelling "Six Rings" in people's faces (or virtual faces) is exactly why so many people not from Pittsburgh hate Steelers fans.
Also, what have the Steelers done lately? Looked like shit. Yelling "Six Rings" in people's faces (or virtual faces) is exactly why so many people not from Pittsburgh hate Steelers fans.
Jesus H Christ that'd insane. Someone could've died!
False. Pedialyte is the greatest hangover cure ever. The big bottles. Chug one of them sons-of-bitches and you'll be good to go.
I love you, Thorin Klosowski.
Please tell me that kid ended up being okay...
I preferred when "Other Devices" was a menu at the bottom of the new tab page. I don't like having to go into the menu, then to recent tabs to get to my tabs open on other devices. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I used that functionality a LOT. Easy access from the new tab page was much better than what they gave us.
What David Clarkson did was intentional. This was negligent but not intentional. I think that's a very important distinction.
That explains it! Thanks.
I think the first thing any parent that enjoys beer does when they are finally not too exhausted from having a baby to drink a beer is wipe off the top of the bottle and hold it up to the baby's lips as a joke. I don't know why it's funny, but god dammit it just is. There are definitely pictures of my son with a…
Tell that to the multitude of players that have come damn close to losing an eye due to not wearing a visor.
How does this guy not get kicked out of the NCAA all together? That's insane.
Probably because he's the third string catcher and he's trying to show the team/management/fans that he's willing to give 100% not matter what the circumstances.
Quite the opposite. I'm one of those people that believe in what I see with my goddamn eyes and in what science tells me to be true.
The receiver's leg came up late. I don't think Troy was going for the scrotum.
Hmm that's a fair point. I hadn't thought about it like that. Troy leapt at the receiver before the leg was in the way, so he was definitely going to end up going helmet-to-helmet.