Yinzers Are People Too

He lead with his shoulder. What's dirty about that?

It's interesting seeing you and Whitson talk about this because I'm currently trying to decide if I want to stick with Android and have the ability to do more advanced things with my phone or move over to iOS and just made due with what's built in. Sure, I could stick with Android and not tinker—but I've proven to

My guess is they change it to "desperately" or "banging on the door like a white dude would after he had been in a car accident and needed help."

An elite quarterback would've timed the conception so the birth would've happened during the off-season or a bye week.

I really hope he yelled "TIMMMMBERRRRRR!" as he was jumping back to avoid that relative-tree-of-a-man falling toward him.

Everything...I repeat EVERYTHING on the internet could go out of business at some point, with no warning. Your logic is flawed.

Beer pong is a great time in college and for a couple of years after college depending on your living situation. I am firmly of the opinion, though, that once you have a child you need to knock it the fuck off with the beer pong unless you're at a bachelor party.

If I recall correctly from a tour I did my freshman year it's not accessible to the public.

This is awesome. I'll definitely be trying this soon...and sending a link to my sister.

I highly doubt the license plate cameras are going to help. This guy cannot possibly be dumb enough to have used a plate registered to him.

I don't want an open kitchen because of entertaining, I want an open kitchen because it keeps the family connected during all the times there aren't a ton of people over and because closed-off kitchens are claustrophobic. There are tons of good reasons to want an open floor plan and an "entertaining" kitchen that have

Why the hell would anyone pay their speeding ticket immediately? You always always always claim you're innocent and ask for a court date. I used to speed a LOT when I was younger and got hit three times. Each time I plead not guilty and went to court and each time my violation was reduced SIGNIFICANTLY. Yes I was a

Why does having a penis make Manning an inherent threat to women? That's a fucked up viewpoint to have.

Does the Russian Orthodox religion believe homosexuality is a sin or do they believe it's a sin and preach that gays should be jailed? Those are two totally different things. He let us know where he stands from a religious perspective. He said nothing about the laws.

Is the upper part of your mouth still considered a "jaw" or is it just part of your skull? The lower part of your mouth is a distinct structure connected to your skull with a joint and connective tissue.

I am a fan of both football and hockey but I have never been into stats and I'm not a huge student of the sports. My wife, on the other hand, knows significantly more about all sports than I do about any one sport. I'm learning, but I have a long way to go. Regularly before we had our child we'd be out watching a game

Two halves, I suppose.

Me while ironing shirts, "I really need to go back to taking all of my work shirts to the dry cleaner. Three bucks a shirt is worth not having to deal with this crap."

I agree with your second point as long as it's clear that sometimes it will take time for something to be settled. Accepting an apology can sometimes be conditional on the aplogizer (?) understanding that the person they hurt accepts an apology but will take time to fully heal and they have to be sensitive to that.