Yinzers Are People Too

No you're just uninformed. His teammates have been calling him Silverback for a significant portion of his career—it's his nick name.

Are you kidding me? Paying for better service is literally the MOST American thing I can think of ever in the history of the United States of America.

I have a Galaxy Nexus right now and it is a great phone. I'll caution you on one thing, though: 1GB of RAM is starting to feel a little restrictive. I'm looking forward to my next phone having 2GBs.

I think Mobile OS still matters only from the perspective of preference, not capability. I went from Android to iOS briefly earlier this year. I could do all of the same things with iOS, but I prefer Android so I switched back.

That I can understand.

My baseball consumption consists of highlights on Sports Center. I'm a 28-year-old native of Pittsburgh with a father that hated baseball, so I never became a fan of the game. I know people do rush the pitcher when they get hit, but I don't think I've ever seen a player rush the pitcher and actually follow through on

Why do batters that get hit on purpose not just charge the pitcher, but run him the fuck over? I am, admittedly, not a baseball fan so I don't have much knowledge of the game. It seems to me that knocking over a pitcher that just threw a projectile at you in excess of 80-90 MPH should be acceptable, and even

May I ask what you do and at what level?

My guess is OJ and tight end are words that no longer belong in the same sentence.

All season I was waiting for the "inevitable" collapse. Now I'm waiting to call up my old roommate and congratulate him on his dedication to a team he had no reason to be dedicated to for 20 years.

I've cooked more scrambled eggs in the few months since my son started eating solid food than I had cooked in my entire life previously and I've found that they come out great when I follow Alton Brown's advice. Look up his scrambled egg method on YouTube and watch it a few times and you'll end up with great scrambled

I will definitely give this a try. Thank you!

Does anyone else find it a little bit disturbing that the clinic performed the procedure after she circled "Forced Into It" as one of the feeling she was having about getting an abortion? That seems like bad practice. I wonder if there were any additional counseling steps taken as a result of her choosing that answer.

No way in hell my wife would've put up with that shit.

Shower poofs are so much better than wash rags. I either use one of those or just go soap bar to skin.

Considering the price I have a feeling we won't be too disappointed either way.

I agree. But that's a depressing existence. I get great joy from being able to cook delicious food for my wife.

There aren't any. Just be smart. Don't pay for 2 day shipping like I did. Damn low price had me going "might as well pay for faster shipping!"

Holy shit it's out of stock already? I'm glad I got in and ordered one when I did! Maybe you'll be able to pick one up on Amazon or Best Buy on the 27th.

picked up a round for everyone in the joint