Yinzers Are People Too

True story. My now-wife have cooked together since we started dating. In the past I was always the sous chef. It always annoyed me that she'd take most of the credit even though I did a <b>lot</b> of the work. Then I stepped up and cooked the most complex recipe we'd ever cooked together by myself while she was at

I don't want that version. This is why I only eat Alfredo sparingly—the healthy variety can't possibly be as good as the heart-disease-inducing variety.

What if I have sheets that are sweat-stained that are not white? They're like tan. They're insanely comfortable Egyptian cotton but the pillow cases and the bottom sheets are definitely sweat-stained and kind of gross no matter how often they're washed.

When you have a kid and they fall a lot of times your first reaction is, "Convince the kid it's no big deal by acting like it's no big deal. He'll be better able to cope with it and won't get all freaked out." I do that with my 11 month old. It would work on an 8 year old as well, I'm sure. When you do realize there

The first time I ran in actual running shorts instead of just generic "gym shorts" it was a revelation. I always thought that stuff was a waste of time, but I guess spending millions on R&D to develop that stuff had some value.

At least he wasn't using Heinz Mustard. They do ketchup right, obviously, but whoever told them their mustard recipe was good should have a vat of French's dumped on their head.

Hey, even an in-air collision is still the end of the flight.

It's hard to tell if it's just the angle or if your son is actually trying to kiss/make out with the dog in the picture. I hope it's not just the angle because my son (who is 10 months) does that <b>all the time</b>. Our dog is absolutely amazing around our son and is always gentle and wants to sniff him but we have

My wife and I make our Alfredo sauce with cream exactly as is described in the article. We made the mistake of using the parmesan cheese in the plastic container (Kraft or whatever) once and it was terrible. Horrible. Freshly grated parmasan is the only way to go. It doesn't hurt to buy the stuff pre-grated from the

Who are the animals that aren't already doing this? The only good PB&J is one with peanut butter on both sides. If you spread it out nice and thick around the edges and then keep your jelly away from the very edge of the bread you end up with a nice pocket of jelly held in by the sticky peanut butter.

I've heard my mother use it a few times recently.

Indeed I do. I really, really despise people that think they know exactly what it's like to have kids when they don't have any of their own. Yep, totally makes sense to be woken up at 3AM because the little dude wasn't sure if he was supposed to get out of bed or go back to sleep. No reason at all to use an elegant

Do you have kids?

I did the same thing. Sadly, my wife didn't react to the joke. I chuckled to myself for a few minutes, somewhat ashamed.

I'm pretty sure the taxpayers voted against paying for Heinz Field and PNC Park the first time, so I wouldn't be surprised if we're forced to pay up against our will again.

It's not.

This is so true. If I ever found out a friend/co-worker/family member was a truther I'd not be able to think about them the same and I think it would significantly damage my relationship with them.

He could've left at any time. They put him in a position that made it awkward and uncomfortable for him to leave. They basically used social circumstances to get him to delete the pictures even though they knew they had no power to hold him there or to force him to delete the pictures.

I was going to say gentlemen drink whiskey but then I assume someone will say "gentlemen drink bourbon" followed by "gentlemen drink scotch."

It shouldn't be his job to take himself out. The coaching staff should be paying enough attention to the signs that there might be a problem to force him out until they were sure he didn't have a traumatic brain injury.