Yinzers Are People Too

Aldi has been moving into the US market for at least 5 years. That's when I remember the first one showing up in Pittsburgh.

That's frustrating but logical. I know I can do a job worth 15% more than what I'm making now, but none are available at my current company so I feel like I'm stalled. There's no way in hell they'd give me a raise that large because that's not how they do things. Getting into a higher position from the outside seems

Why aren't companies more open about pay range up front? Sure I can guess at a range based on title and description, but without definite information I find it very difficult to go through the process of applying for a job if I'm only going to find out later that it's not worth it for me to leave my current company.

I can't count how many time's I've asked my wife, "How on earth did you not tell that asshole not to go F themselves?"

You're so uneducated about this issue it's ridiculous.

The chain my wife works for is actively working to phase out their older pharmacists for this exact reason. They believe (and they're probably right) that younger pharmacists are more likely to work with the patients. There's a movement in some pharmacy schools to have pharmacists take a much more active role in

I'm also married to a pharmacist and I really wish more people realized these things. So many times customers treat her as little more than a counting machine. It's ridiculous, really. People trust their PCP's opinion on drugs significantly more than her's when in reality she has literally multiple years more training

My younger brother was my best man and he told a story about how, on his 21st birthday, he sprinted down East Carson Street and fell into a concrete block wall. His nose was bleeding and my then-fiancee took care of him. On the ride home he accused her of punching him in the nose. He also talked about bonding with her

We also have a dog. He's a Labrador Retriever. I agree with what you said. The people I'm talking about are the ones that say, "Well I have a dog/cat so I know exactly what it's like to be a parent." You agree that they don't know exactly what it's like. They couldn't possibly.

The people that overhear me talking to other parents about stuff our kids do and chime in with an anecdote about their pets...those people are scum. I'm sorry you are feeling left out of the conversation because you have a pet not a kid, but that doesn't mean you get to pretend having a pet is the same as having a kid.

Also the opposite. Fuck the people that constantly tell you how you're ridiculous for not giving your kid certain things. Oh, I'm sorry, my wife and I have decided not to give our kid ice cream and cookies and frosting before he's even 9 months old, back the fuck off about it. Believe me, the little munchkin will know

You should've added an honorary number 11: People who think they're parents because they have pets. Fuck those people.

I wonder if cunt-as-special-swear is a widespread thing, because I use it that way too. "Your mom is being a huge bitch" commonly comes out of both mine and my wife's mouths. "Your mom is being a real cunt" is reserved for those extra-special in-law situations.

At this point I've bought a used car (which I then sold to my dad for the amount of money left on the loan—no haggling there), leased a new car with partner pricing, and purchased a new car with partner pricing and a trade-in. I've definitely learned a lot from those three experiences and next time I'll do things a

You're not wrong, that's for sure.

Is the guy next to him wearing a Max Tablot jersey? Jesus, man, I get that Talbot was the hero of the cup run and all but he went to the Flyers. You can't wear his jersey to a game while he's actively playing for another team.

I really wish there was a way to save entire configurations like this in a flashable zip or installable apk. It's always so much work to go through the process of setting all of this stuff up. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes you find what looked really cool in a screenshot doesn't work for you personally.

My wife and I bought a GMC Acadia recently. We were trading in a Tucson. It was in great shape with all of the options. They told us they'd give us 16k for it. I knew that was ridiculous and said no. Before I could even get out what I wanted for it they said, "Well I'll do this for you...$17k." Just like that mere

I agree with you 100%.

That's not true. I called Discover a few years ago and told them that I'd like to use my card more often but the rate was too high. I explained that I was planning to travel soon and I wanted to use the card instead of risking using my debit card and I expected to be able to pay off all of my expenses but it wasn't