The ref that called the foul should be fired. The refs that could've over-ruled him (is that a thing that can happen? I don't watch much basketball) should be fined. That block was amazing and he clearly got all ball.
The ref that called the foul should be fired. The refs that could've over-ruled him (is that a thing that can happen? I don't watch much basketball) should be fined. That block was amazing and he clearly got all ball.
How in the fuck are the Pittsburgh Pirates not the baseball team of choice in this scenario? God. I can't imagine a worse team to root for, ever.
I'm not sure if you used the phrase "astronomical ridiculousness" on purpose to describe an episode about a rooster climbing a mountain to wake the sun, but good goddamn job even if it was an accident.
You're terrible and hilarious and I can't stop chuckling.
If only he had remembered to kick his shoes off before passing out—he'd have been free and clear.
Dammit. It's supposed to be a bus. Hit by a bus. Shit.
WOMAN: Did you not wear your glasses today?
This one's for Dom (and whoever of you actually has an opinon): Is Mark Madden kind of a joke in the sports world? He's on in Pittsburgh and it's about 50/50 love-hate as far as I can tell. Wondering if he's known outside of town and what the opinion is.
Don't do it. As a new dad myself I've often thought, "Hey, I can leave the kid in the car for the 95 seconds it's going to take me to run into this gas station and use the ATM! He's six months old and strapped in! He's not going anywhere!" But then I ask myself, "WHAT IF SOMEONE TOOK HIM?! HOW WOULD I TELL MY WIFE?!"
If the meet again in the postseason I'm going to see my doctor for a thorough physical before I watch any of the games. It took everything in me to keep from jumping around screaming at the television (and waking the baby) both when the Pens tied it up and when the Flyers scored the game-winner. Going to bed after…
Can't see USMNT without thinking "Cowabunga, dude!"
If Cooke was intentionally trying to hurt Karlsson on this play Karlsson would've gotten an elbow or forearm to the back of the skull. That's old-school Matt Cooke. This was just an unfortunately P.K. Subban-style incident. For which Cooke will most definitely have to "pay" the next time he sees the Senators because…
If I remember correctly cocaine stuff you up something terrible.
Lewis is the type of religious person that makes other religious people embarrassed to admit they're religious. He's the Westboro Baptist Church of the NFL.
That's when I peek back into the bedroom to make sure me getting out of bed didn't wake up my wife and then just piss in the shower and run some water. I'm a terrible person.
Look at the Steelers actions over the past several years. If you're good on the field but screw up off the field the organization looks the other way. If you're bad on the field and screw up off the field, you're cut. My point is, they're just like every other NFL organization. The "Steelers Way" typical yinzers love…
James Harrison beats his baby-mama? No big deal.
Your line of logic makes perfect sense when viewed in light of how the NFL works.
Look, as a self-admitted Yinzer, I have to say...Roethlisberger is not a "noted rapist" so much as he's a guy "noted for being accused of rape and then not charged, let alone found guilty."
Shouldn't she want to have sex with the guy because she wants to have sex with the person she's in a relationship with? Sex, as part of a relationship, isn't so much a favor as it is something two people want to do with each other. I don't disagree that the guy could pitch in on birth control—but only if we're talking…