Yinzers Are People Too

I'm guessing this Bork guy was renting some of the videos behind the dirty curtain in the back room of the video store.

I'm guessing this Bork guy was renting some of the videos behind the dirty curtain in the back room of the video store.

They really, really should. Your chief strategy officer shouldn't be admitting that he uses your major competitor's products.

Nah. This isn't true. If the only pictures I had of my kid were smartphone quality I'd be sad. It's nice to have a really high quality print sometimes. Also zooming in on stuff, low-light shooting, etc. Eventually we'll get to a point where smartphone cameras are enough, but we're not there yet.

I don't need 60 days but I wouldn't mind a solid 10-15.

RROD hasn't been an issue for a long, long time. Hardware was revised even before the fancy new design of the XBox 360 took place. really, man, to think they might make that same mistake again—that'd require them to take a giant step backward into a problem they've already solved.

I can't tell if you're a very serious moron or a master troll.

The only problem I have with Disqus is that I almost always read it as discus instead of discuss.

You're so much better than everybody that decided to shop and you should be proud of yourself. Really.

Even the mayor of the city was in it as the kicker. Although I'm pretty sure he forced his way in. I have no evidence other than the fact that Ravenstahl seems like the type of guy that would do that.

When they say TV Output and Input I understand the TV Output part, so that we can get the Xbox picture to the TV. What I'm curious about is the Input part. Does that mean, potentially, we could be doing something like Google TV does with the HDMI passthrough to allow voice-searching my cable box and being able to pull

If Google had their own network that was able to sell Nexus phones at the prices they're selling them on the Google Play Store that could all receive updates on the same day the way the iPhone does without any kind of third-party carrier restriction that would truly be a game changer. It would force the hands of

I had Kalik in the Bahamas precisely one time. It's terrible. It's not exotic, it's just shit beer they brew because it's so damn expensive to import good stuff. This guy sucks.

I think it still exists when the manufacturer enables it in the kernel. Certain phones also only need the software and there are apps in the Play Store to control the LED for various notifications done to a very finely detailed level.

I'd revise that a bit: If the woman you're married to wants kids and you don't, WHY THE HELL DID YOU MARRY HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

You must be loaded. By me a Nexus 7. Oh you won't do that because you hate Google!!!!!

It's not 100% secure, obviously, but it's harder to trace or intercept than actually sending the e-mail somewhere.

There's a rule against a team celebrating a touchdown as a group like that. It's kind of ridiculous.

Steelers fans can be obnoxious shitbags, yes. But Pittsburgh is anything but a rotting Rust Belt shithole. As it's already been pointed out, we didn't take the route of many other Rust Belt shitholes when the steel industry shipped off to China. Pittsburgh is consistently voted among the most livable cities in the

You're either trolling by being willfully ignorant or you're really stupid, Jesus. I never can tell. Go Read Rosa's post about this on Google+: https://plus.google.com/109299348960895456083/posts/ZThMtGoQ4Bi